Political topics are welcome on plenty of lifestyle sites with the right angle. If your favs pay writers, pitch them something that fits their audience. If you know other reputable politics or social justice blogs that pay, we’re all ears. The Sun describes itself as “personal, political, provocative.” This print publication and blog are looking for essays, fiction, interviews, and even poetry. They especially love personal stories about political or cultural matters.

We publish informative articles, personal essays, and journalism-style articles. We are a not for profit organization so our commissioning budget is small. Payments discussion is done with each writer after a pitch has been approved for commissioning. Once the article is published, the writer shall receive a notification with detailed instructions on how to submit an invoice. Payments are made within the first 10 days at the beginning of the new month for all articles published on the previous month. The Diplomat welcomes unsolicited articles and blog posts.

Writing politics, social justice and, current events stories is no different than any other niche. No one’s really looking for you to insert your opinion in the article in most cases. Redaction Report is looking for exclusive news features, interviews and opinion articles on world politics. We also take reviews of relevant books, films and music. PoliZette is a division of LifeZette, and features political articles that offer commentary, insight, and explanation of the sometimes crazy world of politics. But do your homework, he’s a guy who’s been on the front lines of political journalism for more than 30 years.

Word count and pay will depend on what type of piece you pitch. ProMarket’s editors will retain absolute discretion in determining whether to accept a submission for publication. Op-eds, reviews, and commentaries on various issues related to political economy. Guidelines on our website can be referred to as rules to write eligible content on our site.

Those are the kinds of reported stories you’ll find in the Washington Monthly. Study the magazine and pitch an idea with a query first. FYI – The Atlantic is also open to working with new freelancers. It’s where I landed my first magazine assignment as a newbiefor a piece about the career trajectory of Donald Trump that landed him in the White House. We rarely take submissions that come from a third party. Authors are required to disclose up front any potential conflicts of interest.

A good situation report will leave its readers fully informed about the political, economic, and/or military impact of a salient international event. With the 2020 elections fast approaching, nearly every Tom, Dick and Harry seems to have political opinions. By choosing the right outlet for your story, you might be able to make your political voice heard over all the noise. You can pitch an idea for a briefing, which will run at 900-1,100 words and pay $250. Features are 3,000-4,000 words, and pay is on a case-by-case basis. Online pieces typically run at around 1,000-1,500 words, but there isn’t a strict word count for print pieces.

This magazine has been around for 40 years, and is looking for essays, interviews, and story ideas about political and cultural issues. Maybe you want to get paid to write about your political views, opinions, and life experiences impacted by politics and government. Though Geopoliticalmonitor.com accepts fewer editorials than the above mentioned analysis-based articles, there are always a few submissions that are too good to ignore. To ensure that yours is one of them, stick to a fact-based argument that avoids polemics or incendiary language. POLITICO is unique in that it places a heavy focus on policy. If you have an opinion or perspective on a certain policy, ranging from cannabis to space to immigration, you might consider pitching.