Job analysis is a procedure through which you determine the duties and responsibilities, nature of the jobs and finally to decide qualifications, skills and knowledge to be required for an employee to perform particular job. Job analysis helps to understand what tasks are important and how they are carried on. Evaluation methodDescriptionRanking method/ Paired comparisonJobs are paired and for each pair the most impactful job is chosen. This results in a forced ranking of different jobs based on their seniority.

An inventory containing a list of task statements is called a task inventory; one containing a list of worker ability requirements is called an ability inventory. Job analysis inventories ask respondents to rate each item in terms of its importance to the job. Task inventories also request information regarding the frequency or time spent performing each task. However, because these individuals lack sufficient expertise in the jobs being analyzed, they must enlist the actual job incumbents and their supervisors to gather and interpret the pertinent information. Job analysis information may be gathered by interviewing these individuals, observing them at work, and/or having them complete job analysis questionnaires.

Others may be influenced to participate based on the subject of the questionnaire. Without someone to explain the questionnaire fully and ensure each individual has the same understanding, results can be subjective. While there are many positives to questionnaires, dishonesty can be an issue.

The supervisor is supposed to discuss any errors in the employee’s response with him make corrections and then questionnaire is given to the job analyst. No single questionnaire is appropriate for all types of jobs. In this method the job analyst actually performs the job in question and thus receives 1st hand experiences of contextual factors on the job including physical hazards, social demands, and emotional pressures mental requirements. They help in evaluating a candidate against the requirements of the job and selecting the most suitable one.

This is a fully customized scheme, developed in-house with the help of external advisors. It leads to a great fit with the organization, the participatory process leads to buy-in and enables alignment with a competency framework. The drawback is that the process will take longer and is a costly exercise. Records or their lists of activities that they practice day by day. Participants in your survey may have an interest the product, idea or service.

Since, employee himself writes diary it is possible that all job performance information are recorded. In some cases, job performance information may not be correct as constant watch of analyst over a job may create such situation where employees cannot function freely and properly. It requires much time to complete the information collection exercise especially, in cases when employees occasionally need to perform some work.

In large organizations it is difficult to use, to collect information. Employees may not give actual information / data to job analyst as they feel these data will be used for determining their pay rates and fringe benefits. Collecting information through interview method needs extra skill and ability of job analyst. Generally, an analyst does not use hrhduchesskate blog one job analysis method exclusively, rather, a combination is often used. For instance, in analysing clerical and administrative jobs, the analyst might use questionnaire supported by interviews and limited observation. On the other hand for production, jobs interviews supplemented by a greater degree of work observation may provide the needed data.