I Love Devotionals is owned and managed by personal blogger Wendy van Eyck. It focuses on strengthening spirituality as the core of the healing process, whether the sickness involves physical, mental, or emotional hardship. This is an updated version of a story that was previously published. We update our posts as often as possible to ensure they’re useful for our readers.

In my dentist’s office, I found Creation Illustrated magazine, which featured nature articles from a Christian perspective. During my long walks around the farm I learned valuable lessons from nature – especially when I stepped on the “shaky ground” of the wetland. So far, I have written seven pieces about my personal stories and spiritual insights in for this publication. You will get full credit in the author bio that appears directly below the article.

Here are a few quick tips to format your guest posts that are suitable for online readers. Instead, you can get better results if you publish that content as a guest post on another blog that has a bigger audience and more followers. You’ll also get a name, more traffic to your sites, and some recognition online which you can later use to build and grow your blog audience.

This is a Jesuit-run publication with a Roman Catholic audience. It publishes reported pieces, personal essays and poetry on politics, faith, arts and culture with a religious or moral angle. Here are 22 publications on religion and spirituality that pay freelance writers.

So when you submit health articles to our blog, make them a mixture of knowledge, wisdom, and love. Wonderful list… I was planning to do guest blogging on few blogs. And anyways you can add another category related to Internet Marketing. Thanks for the comprehensive list as I am finding some blogs to guest post as well. I just added some fashion blogs to this list that allows guest blogging.

Reflections Him is a personal blog that features sermons, personal reflections that are part of the faith journey. A blog engaged in exploring living Christian spirituality by covering spirituality guides, reflections, and spiritual rhythms of life. Obara Meji, a Metaphysics Teacher, writes a blog on metaphysics, spirituality, and ideas for the advancement of humanity. Also includes but not limited to, Ancient Texts, paranormal and supernatural exploration, Metaphysical, Channeling, Spiritual Awareness, and 5D understanding.

I wanted to ask if you are interested in a guest post that I have drafted, which I titled “10 Tools to Make the Most of Twitter.” It covers the latest Twitter Tools, which help me a lot to stay productive. If you’re still wondering about why should be using Semrush for your guest posting journey, here are a few interesting stats about the world’s #1 SEO tool. Here’s a list of some of the essential blogging tools you need to win at guest blogging in 2023 and beyond.

To inquire about submitting an article,contact the editor forThe Well. Please make sure that your blog isn’t a promotional piece. Keep the tone of your piece friendly, encouraging, optimistic, open-minded, and professional, while focusing on actionable tips. The Art of Living Blog is dedicated to helping you nurture your mind, body, and soul for a full, vibrant, and juicy life. The aim of this site is to provide down to earth, thought provoking content to inspire higher thinking, infuse positive energy, expand consciousness and promote self awareness.Follow me on Faceboook. Users sent to publishers websites from FeedSpot lists.

According to thesurvey, men make up approximately 10% of our audience. A journal of engaged living with a vision of integrating mindfulness into everyday life. Key topics covered are mind-spirit, contemplations, spiritual practices, conscious creativity, holistic health, participatory culture, and mindful tourism. Many Pagan groups and individuals engage in magical ritual practices as part of their spiritual life.