If they are on a flat ground, then yes, an average-sized human could beat a gorilla in a distance race. Most humans are so out of shape they could schlatt coin not outrun a gorilla. And, in the wild gorillas work in co-operative groups, so a single human wouldn’t be outrunning just one gorilla.

At sunset, hippopotamuses leave the water and travel overland to graze. They may travel 6 miles in a night, along single-file pathways, to consume some 80 pounds of grass. Considering their enormous size, a hippo’s food intake is relatively low. If threatened on land hippos may run for the water—they can match a human’s speed for short distances.

Hippo populations across the continent are threatened by habitat loss and unregulated hunting. In addition to addressing these common threats, the genetic diversity of these three distinct subspecies will need to be preserved. The hippopotamus has been moved on to the IUCN Red List drawn up by the World Conservation Union in May 2006. This signifies that the common hippopotamus is now in serious danger of extinction. The hippopotamus or hippo is well adapted for life in the water.

Hippopotamus are pictured in the Crocodile River which runs along side the 13th green during the second round of the Alfred Dunhill Championship at… Hippopotamus with its calf run into the water to cool off their bodies in National Zoological Park on a hot day on May 24, 2017 in New Delhi, India…. Sometimes they ran to bet to the nearby desert source Bette As was seen kicking six pair of legs, but Billy konnt’ most beautiful kick and was always… Gorillas also use their numbers when they are defending themselves.

Young hippos are buoyant and more often move by swimming, propelling themselves with kicks of their back legs. One hippo calf survived after being pushed out to sea during the tsunami generated by the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and was rescued on a nearby island. Hippopotamuses are half-terrestrial, half-aquatic animals that also inhabit sub-Saharan regions.

The African hippopotamus instead of swimming prefers walking in the river. The wild animals from Africa have a speed of 5 mph while walking underwater. Every few minutes, the hippo will come to the surface to breathe and then again submerge and keep on walking. Wild hippo species love to stay underwater but are not able to float as they weigh a lot. The buoyancy of water in the rivers does not let the hippo float. The hippopotamus spends the day time inside the water to cool themselves and escape the sun.