The internet has changed the way that we live. Gone are the days of waiting for your local newspaper to publish an article about something in your area. Instead, you can go online and find information on any topic imaginable. Blogs have become a popular way to share opinions or write about topics that interest you but they don’t have to cost anything! There are many articles related to what is the best blog site for a business

Here are 7 Free Blogs You Can Set Up Right Now, so get started today!

  • Free Blogs
  • Free Web Site
  • Free Website Hosting
  • Free Online Storage
  • Free Graphics Design Tools
  • Free Social Media Management Software
  • Free Stock Photography Sites: Unsplash, Death to the stock photo, Pexels,

Each of these can be set up in minutes and start publishing your thoughts right away! There’s no limit on what you write about either because it’s all free for anyone to use! So go ahead and get started today with one or more of these blog platforms. You’ll find that blogging is a fun pastime that doesn’t have any cost involved at all! The internet has changed the way that we live.

This blog post will be about Free Blogs.

If you are new to blogging, or just want a site that does not require much time and maintenance, here are some free blogs you can set up right now:

  • WordPress (which is also used by The Huffington Post)
  • Posterous
  • Tumblr
  • LiveJournal

What is a Free Blogging platform?

A Free blogger site is easy to set up and maintain, with many features that are not available on other blogging platforms such as Tumblr or Posterous. The best part about these sites is you don’t need any programming skills because they have been developed for the average person who wants to share their thoughts online without having to learn HTML or FTP software  just create an account and start writing! 

For bloggers, there are social media import tools like Facebook/Twitter (Posterous) so that one can post links from those networks directly into our posts; no more manually entering them in every time. Free Bloggers can also get RSS Feed Subscription options, themes/plugins and more without having to pay for them!

Free Blogs 

Working with a Free Blogger platform means the cost of maintaining your content on an ongoing basis won’t put too heavy a dent in your bank account. This list presents seven Free Blogging platforms where anyone can start their own blog for free. Some names may look familiar as they have been around since 2002 (Livejournal), 2005 (Tumblr) or 2007 (Posterous).

For Free Blogs, it is important to find a Free Blogging platform that suits your needs.


WordPress has been around since 2003 and its free services are used by websites as large as AOL’s Huffington Post. It offers some of the best features for bloggers who want unlimited themes and plugins which can be downloaded from their website without any cost.


Tumblr is also one of the most popular Free Bloggers with a reported 200 million blogs on this site alone. Posts are created by simply clicking “blog” in your dashboard; you don’t need to learn HTML or use FTP software or upload files manually if you prefer an easier interface.


Posterous was launched in 2006 and while it doesn’t have the Free Blogging features of WordPress or Tumblr, its users can import their posts into other sites such as Facebook and Twitter.


LiveJournal is one of the oldest Free Blogs with a reported 60 million blogs on this site alone. It offers Free Scripts for posting links to your blog from social media sites like twitter/facebook, so you don’t have to manually enter them in every time.

There are many more Free Bloggers out there that offer excellent services; these were just some suggestions for those who want something simple without any cost up front!


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