I had the good fortune of watching a couple of TED talks about x4 technology last week. The one I’m going to share with you in this post is about the ability to actually become self-aware. It’s definitely a mind-expanding experience. I can now see the impact this has on my life and it’s totally worth it.
When it comes to technology, I don’t think that you can be “that person” who’s self-aware (at least in the literal way) and not come across as an a-hole.
Well, we can. Self-awareness is a really big thing. You could be able to tell yourself you’re wrong and correct you in a heartbeat. And I think that this is a pretty big thing.
I think that in a lot of ways, we are the result of millions of years of evolution. Our brains develop very slowly and we only start to develop self-awareness when we are at a very early age. When we are young, we don’t really have the language to say, “Hey, I’m not a good person” (or something similar). We are still trying to figure things out.
Well, I think the point is that we are born with the ability to self-reflect. We can think about ourselves in lots of different ways. We get to decide what we think about things. But, we are all still learning how to self-reflect. And so we become very adept at self-reflection. And I think that this is something that we are very good at.
Self-reflection is one of the most important things we could ever learn and become proficient at because it is one of the most important skills that we can use to make ourselves a better person. Self-awareness is a very important facet of being a person, and one that is often overlooked.
The end of this chapter is the final chapter in the series.
You can read more about X4 technology in our book Self-Reflect, Self-Regulate, and Self-Serve.
X4 technology is a new system that has been designed to give people a more holistic sense of who they are and what they do. It is a new way of thinking about how we interact with technology and how we can design our devices to do more with less, more efficiently, and more meaningfully.The system relies on data-analytics, machine learning, and a new way of thinking about the “design” of our hardware.