lake, rocks, forest @ Pixabay

What I love about this is that it has a similar effect as the Palmetto Project, which I wrote about on this blog. I was inspired to create a similar project because I wanted to create a self-aware system that would help me get to know myself better. My goal was to have the ability to create an image of myself once every week, and I set it up to be a project that I could take my own life with.

I’m not sure if this project is palmetto-related, but I find it interesting that it’s not a lot like a typical self-awareness project. It’s not going to give you access to a computer. It’s not a time-machine. It’s not a time-freezing machine. It’s not a time-travel project. It’s not a time-traveling project.

The truth of this is that there is not one single technology that can do what this project does. There are many techs, but one of the most important ones is computer vision. This is a software process that allows you to see into your past and see yourself as you see yourself now, and it has been around for a long time.


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