Today we are going to focus on the word ‘holt’. This word is a bit of a mystery for me, especially when you consider there is a definition of it which is: a town’s name, the name of the first letter of the English alphabet used in this word, or a town’s name.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the name holt is a towns name meaning “a town where the holt is” which is a bit complicated, but basically means that the town is known for being surrounded by hills (and therefore having very high sides) which makes it difficult to defend against a surprise raid. To be more specific, the definition of holt in the OED is “a town with high sides.
A town is a town of a particular size.
It’s also a town that has a particular name. For instance, a town for adults is a town with a church, a market, and a school. A town for children is a town with a school, a market, a church, and a graveyard.
The OED defines holt in the following way: “The term holt is used in several senses: a town of high hills; a town of hills, such as a hill parish; a town with high sides, such as a hill town.” In the case of the OED, the term holt “has been used of a town with a church, a market, and a school,” which is the town of the name.
It’s funny to me because you know I was the one who coined the name “holt.” The first name that I’ve used to refer to a town is “holt” because it would be easy to translate “holt” as “holt-holt.
Yes, holt is the name of a town.
I think that’s one of the ways the OED makes this distinction between holt and holt-holt. For example, the first definition of holt-holt, holt, as used in the OED, is “a town in which a church is situated.” This is the church, and it would be easy to translate holt-holt as holt-holt church.
holt is not a town name, but rather a word meaning “church.” Holt is an old English word that is often used to refer to a church.
The OED also uses holt-holt to describe “a church in Ireland”, which is a town in Ireland. This would work for the OED as well because it’s a church in Ireland. But there is no holt in Ireland.