fantasy, airship, flying @ Pixabay

The Led Zeppelin music videos were all the best way to remind me of how far I’ve come and how much I’ve accomplished. I am no longer a child with a toy, nor do I have the same aspirations that my parents did. I am more than a little self-aware of the fact that I have progressed beyond the point where I can just “play” and “make music” anymore. I am not just a musician.

I have been making music since I was six months old, in fact. I was born to musicians. I’m not as much of a musician as I am a performer. I have some great songs, but they are not the kind of songs that will help people move to the next level of music appreciation. That’s just not my story.

My story is that I can take pride in being an individual, like most of us. I can get really excited about what music means to me and to what music means to others. I can also get really frustrated by it all. I am not proud of my music. I am not proud of being a musician. I just want to make music in my own way.

I’m just a normal dude who is taking pride in being an individual. I am not proud of being a musician. I am not proud of my music. I just want to make music in my own way.

If you are a musician, then I suppose the last thing you want to do is to make music. You probably want to make music to please your audience. However, I do not see how this line of thinking can be any more true to your own self-interest than it is to your audience. It turns out that for many artists, taking care of their art is their biggest priority.

Of course I’m talking about the music business, but this point is probably true for most arts professionals. I’m not saying there’s no point in learning how to do things to please your audience, but it tends to be more important than doing it yourself.

I think we should all spend some time worrying about how we can make our art more pleasing to our audience before we do it in the first place. It could be that the reason why we take great pride in our music is because we think it will be pleasing to our audience. But you also have to consider that this could be because we want to please those in our audience.

The last time I checked, there still wasn’t much art being made that was pleasing to audience members. But that may all be changing with the rise of photography and video art, where the goal is to make something as visually pleasing as possible to the viewer. It’s a bit of a cop-out, but I think it’s one of the reasons why so many artists are now making their own videos as part of their art.

I think the reason photographers and video artists are making their own videos is because it allows them to do things like go live-streaming, where the whole of the audience can watch a live action video of them creating it. It allows them to show off their skills without worrying about the approval of the viewers. It also gives them a way to interact with the viewers of their videos without having to worry about the approval of the viewers.

I mean I don’t wanna sound like I’m dissing photography, but I’m not gonna lie. I’m not a fan of live-action videos. I see a lot of them being too much like the same old, formulaic video game style. I see a lot of people copying the same sort of style that is used in video games. But there are a lot of great video games that use a different style, I think that’s what makes it interesting.


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