While your pet is under anesthesia, various monitors similar to those used in human hospitals are used to monitor your pet’s vital signs as well. An interesting fact is that you can prevent or almost completely eliminate the need for dental cleaning if you give your pet meaty bones. They will do the job instead of a veterinarian perfectly and can clean the teeth easily. You need to give him this type of food once per week. Keep in mind that your dog will want to eat soon after the procedure. In animals, hunger can suppress pain and they will be happy and pain-free as they eat.

If her x-rays are clear, do you feel the extraction surgery would be dangerous? She’s a happy dog, has a great appetite, and she has a lot of will to live otherwise. 9821 business park dr, rancho cordova, ca 95827, usa I hate to see her living with these abscesses. She was diagnosed three months ago and in on a low fat GI diet. Gave her SQ fluids and I again did that at home today.

I actually have a similar problem to one above. He’s been whining and howling a lot recently and it is unlike him. We were thinking it was probably separation anxiety since we were all out of the house last Friday for an entire day and he’s usually not alone for more than 5-6 hours.

If your vet is not fully confident in the anesthesia, I would ask for a referral to a specialty facility. It’s a nice way to get a second opinion on what’s best for your dog with experts in anesthetizing more challenging cases. We have a yo rescue male Chihuahua/Dacschund mix that has had long term bad teeth and needs one or more dental extractions.

I certainly understand that the procedure is not without risk, as my personal story illustrates, but life with mouth pain and infection is not without risk either. Both are a major detraction from quality of life. I’d encourage you to make an appointment to have your dog seen specifically to discuss the pros and cons of having the dental work done. I’ve seen so many senior dogs get a new lease on life after a dental procedure that it’s definitely worth being proactive about having the discussion. Hello Roxanne, So many lovely parts to your story!