So, we’re guessing this is playing off the whole snake motif. We’re pretty sure there are a lot of species of snakes that eat bird eggs, and if there aren’t, there are at least cartoons depicting such a relationship. That’s not the disturbing part though, after all, plenty of people like eggs. Seeing past the irony that Orochimaru himself is a cold-blooded, reptile-like man, anything cold bugs us a lot. Does it imply that Orochimaru would eat anything not cold, including, oh maybe, a person? I wouldn’t put it past him to have tried some fresh-cut human meat while he was doing his experiments.

When Naruto, Sasuke, Cho Cho, and Sarada, go to uncle Orochimaru’s hideout, he seems even younger than he did in part one. Naruto makes a comment about it, which is met with an eerie silence from Orochimaru. Couple this with Mizuki calling him “parent” and one can probably infer Orochimaru is still what are the three main goals of data lifecycle management (dlm)? body snatching. One week he’s Mizuki’s mom, the next he’s a dad, so Mizuki prob said forget it and figured it was easier to say “parent.” I guess old habits die hard, but what’s even stranger is Naruto was just like “eh whatever.” But to prevent any mishap, they still have put surveillance on him.

Though most of his style is overpowering his opponents, Mitsuki will do whatever it takes, using whatever skills he needs, to win in a fight. Along with his snake and sage powers, Mitsuki is great at stealth, misdirection, and generally confusing or fooling his opponents. In his battle with Iwabee, he masterfully find a way to get behind him and restrain him. Orochimaru’s actions may be coated with self-serving plots, but his reverence of Mitsuki is real. The Hyuga and Uchiha clans are known for their special, knowing eyes, the Sharingan and Byakugan.

It’s more likely for the three of them to end up fugitives from Konoha for choosing each other over the shinobi. With Orochimaru’s past and his weird duality with Mitsuki, it’s surprising how much they seem to like an respect one another. Though Orochimaru has a lot of complexities and an awful past, his son is fairly open-minded to figuring out each day one at a time. However, despite all his growing knowledge of Orochimaru’s dark doings, Mitsuki still admires his parent. After all, he grew up witnessing his strength in ninjutsu and science.

Orochimaru is very adept in taijutsu, able to overwhelm Sasuke in Part I despite his Sharingan-enhanced clarity. He is very strong, able to knock down a tree with a single kick, and temporarily stunned a Four-Tailed Naruto with his punch. He is also blazingly fast, able to move with such sudden change in direction to leave his opponent’s disoriented. He also had an initial disdain toward Naruto Uzumaki, believing him to be a poor excuse for a ninja until he defeated Kabuto with the Rasengan. During the war seeing Naruto’s indomitable willpower and his memories with Jiraiya caused Orochimaru to begin to respect him.

Boruto’s Jogan similarly lets him see more than other people. Despite having none of these, Mitsuki can see chakra threads, energy, and can deduce a lot just from what he sees. It helped pinpoint Sumire as “Ghost” before she hurt the village. During Naruto, Orochimaru was known for his flowing and flexible style of fighting.

The way Orochimaru angers Naruto Uzumaki in their battleand his management over events ever since his reintroduction are deemed as “near perfect” by Mania’s Chris Beveridge. Orochimaru’s fight against Sasuke in later parts of the series is praised by Manga Life’s Park Cooper due to how it changes “the nature of things” in a short time. While Beveridge agrees with Cooper, he finds that the fight did not bring a certain end to Orochimaru, which he thought would have made it more entertaining.

Too many people have lost their lives serving his schemes and scientific impulses. However, oddly enough, when it comes to parenting he isn’t half bad. In all the Naruto series, Team 7 tends to choose team loyalty over loyalty to Konoha. Naruto chose saving and pardoning Sasuke over destroying him. While not a serious as that, Boruto, Mitsuki, and even Sarada have chosen to disobey orders to help or save one another.

Orochimaru also used the invasion as an opportunity to test Sasuke Uchiha, Itachi’s younger brother, if he can be of use as a vessel. Prior to the commencement of the second part of the Chūnin Exams, Orochimaru murdered a team of Kusagakure genin to impersonate its leader Shiore and infiltrate the Forest of Death. Using a snake summon to separate Naruto from Team 7, the disguised Orochimaru subjected Sasuke to his Killing Intent with the youth unable to fight due to the fear instilled into him. However, the fear subsided with Naruto’s timely appearance and convincing Sasuke to muster his courage before Orochimaru interferes with the jinchūriki’s seal while knocking him out for the duration of the fight. After being subjected to Sasuke’s Dragon Fire Technique as it partially burned off his disguise, Orochimaru expresses pride in Sasuke’s abilities before branding his target with his Cursed Seal of Heaven and taking his leave.

No one’s backstory is nearly as twisty and complicated as Mitsuki’s, though. While he respects Orochimaru as his parent, the ninja has openly done things to hurt Mitsuki and his friends. Moreover, though, his eyes can even identify things about people like Kabuto’s info cards used to. Just by looking at Chocho he was able to figure out what clan she came from and other personal information. When it comes down to the average shinobi, most can’t do that. Both powerful young shinobi, the boys became fast friends and work well off one another.