14It is interesting to note that the age-at-arrival profile for these social outcomes for immigrants from English-speaking countries is not always flat. That is, for some outcomes, there are differences between younger and older arrivers among immigrants from English-speaking countries. These are what we call the non-language-related age-at-arrival effects, and it is the possibility of such effects that prompts us to use age at arrival interacted with being born in a non-English-speaking country as the exclusion restriction rather than age at arrival itself. These results help us understand the household environment in which the children of immigrants grow up.

Same-sex marriage became legal in Taiwan in May 2019, as the legislature implemented a ruling the top court issued two years earlier. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on June 26, 2015 , that the Constitution grants same-sex couples the right to marry, effectively legalizing same-sex marriage in the thirteen states where it remained banned. The five-to-four ruling, which extends to U.S. territories, came amid dramatic shifts in public opinion.

Many Hispanophones in the countries of Hispanic America have two given names, plus like in Spain, a paternal surname and a maternal surname . In about half of the countries surveyed, majorities or pluralities of women completely or mostly agree that wives are obligated to obey their husbands. These countries include Honduras, Guatemala and the Dominican Republic, where more than eight-in-ten women say that wives are obligated to obey their husbands.

Juvenile offenders shall be separated from adults and be accorded treatment appropriate to their age and legal status. 10We used The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1999, to determine whether English was an official language of each country. Recent adult immigrants from the 1980 Census were used to provide empirical evidence of the prevalence of English in countries with English as an official language.

In fact, since same-sex marriage was legalized in Spain in 2005, the number of annual nuptials between same-sex couples has remained fairly stable; with 5,108 weddings taking place in 2019, compared to 4,313 in 2006. 15To save space, we do not provide graphs of the difference in means for the outcomes in Figure 2. These graphs have the same basic shape as the profiles for immigrants from English-speaking countries alone because the profiles for immigrants from English-speaking countries are always flatter. These results call into question the commonplace hypothesis that immigrants’ extent of English proficiency and social assimilation is decided by their culture or preferences.

Any State Party may denounce the present Convention, not earlier than five years after the Convention has entered into force for the State concerned, by means of a notification in writing addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations. If a solution within the terms of subparagraph every computer on the internet has a unique numeric address called a(n) _______. is not reached, the Committee shall, in its report, set forth the relevant facts concerning the issue between the States Parties concerned. The written submissions and record of the oral submissions made by the States Parties concerned shall be attached to the report.