The skit would portray Rick James, usually high on cocaine, preforming doing crazy and stupid things, such as smacking Charlie Murphy in the face. Rick James would frequently explain away his actions by saying “Cocaine is a hell of a drug”.

“Rainy Day Women #12 & 35” by Bob Dylan – As is the case with many Bob Dylan songs, there is some double entendre at play. “Everybody must get stoned” has potential roots in a number of political and social situations, but we all can figure out what Bob was really trying to tell us. Two years ago, I wrote a post listing many of my benefits of congee favorite songs that were influenced by being under the influence in “Don’t Forget to Bring A Towel”. Today, I am rehashing that concept with a new selection of songs that draw inspiration from drug culture whether it be through firsthand use of by the band, an observation they made of someone, or the toll it has taken on society.

Around hour 4 the relationship broke down again and it devolved back to loud voice and insults. One time I saw someone on coke have a long heated discussion with the dad guy in the 101 help channel of the cable TV box, the one that teaches you how to use the remote control. It was in Texas, but maybe he migrated from Florida.

Then again, there are a lot of dope heads in Channelview, TX. I literally was about to post that, the resemblance is striking. Most Presidents age a lot during their tenure.

This time the rest of us aged 20 years. You are commenting using your account. “I Want A New Drug” by Huey Lewis and the News – You know the worst part of any drug?

Well, besides the bodily harm in inflicts upon you,… and the mood and behavior alterations,… and the comedown. Actually, those are the worst things, and Huey Lewis and the News know it. That’s why they pine for something that gets them revved up without having to take it into the shop after every use.