Toph prevents others from being killed by debris falling from the mine collapsing, including her father, who reconciles with her as she saves everyone. Following this, she passes out and has her students assist Aang in his battle against the spirit of Old Iron. In “The Western Air Temple”, she arrives at the Western Air Temple with the Gaang and meets Zuko. She is accepting of him at first, urging Katara and Sokka to accept his help, but after she is burned by him she too grows angry with him. When he reattempts to join their team, she happily accepts him on the grounds of Aang’s acceptance.

According to cartoon logic, Sokka married Suki and Zuko married Mai. This is the only person on this list that Toph is confirmed to have a long-term relationship with. However, there isn’t much information about him or their relationship. Aang and Toph would make for an interesting pairing because they are opposites in many ways.

Nonetheless, the two later shared a romantic evening while stargazing on Chan’s porch. Zuko and Mai prior to him leaving in Season 3 are at the very least sleeping together in a literal sense and it’s implied but not outright stated that they’re also sleeping together in a metaphorical sense. Izumi was born a princess of the Fire Nation to Fire Lord Zuko following the Hundred Year War. At some point during her life she had a son, whom she named Iroh after her great-uncle, and a daughter. Toph did not marry anyone, but she did turn out with amazing daughters that ended up being befitting of wearing the Beifong name.

This ability allowed her to eventually master sand bending and mud bending, and, in time, led her to the discovery of metalbending. The Dark One was also enrolled in Toph’s metalbending academy sometime after the Hundred Year War. Despite his apparent ego, Toph labeled him as a “lily liver” along with the others, even when she was simply speaking about them in conversation with the rest of Team Avatar. Ho Tun was the last of the three initial students who are first seen enrolled in Toph’s metalbending academy. Perhaps the most accurately, Toph labeled Ho Tun a “lily liver” just as she did to her other first three students. Toph found an unconscious Korra in the Foggy Swamp in 174 AG and, having recognized her as the Avatar, took her back to her dwelling.

In the Si Wong Desert, Katara was the only one who stuck up for Toph when Aang blamed her for not saving Appa. After her students rose to the occasion and defended Toph’s Metalbending school from the rival class of firebenders, Sokka and she apparently did not have much to do for a while. Because of Toph’s young age and blindness, Sokka was skeptical of her earthbending powers at first. Upon witnessing her fight Xin Fu’s entire group of earthbenders, however, he was astonished to the point of fainting.

His father, however, isn’t the only person who mistreats him. She sees his need to please their parents and his empathy for others as a weakness. This energy is then felt in the form of temperature, or heat. Thus the colors of light with the highest frequency will have the hottest temperature. From the visible spectrum, we know violet would glow the hottest, and blue glows less hot. After Ozai was overthrown, Mai reunited with Zuko and helped him get dressed for his coronation.

Their relationship became strained and by 154 AG, they had ceased communicating with each other. Well she did, and we have reason to believe that her (lone?) relationship was with The Duke. Before I get into that whole thing called “evidence”, mojo weed strain I wanted to provide just a tad bit of background information on The Duke in case you may have forgotten about him. Despite hints of romance, Asami and Korra never shared an onscreen kiss nor declared their feelings in The Legend of Korra.

Later, after Appa was stolen by sandbenders, Aang accused Toph of allowing the thieves to steal him. Only Katara was able to reason with him, reminding Aang that Toph had still managed to save the rest of the group even if it was at the cost of losing Appa. Nonetheless, they were able to work together when dealing with threats, such as the Fire Nation and the Dai Li. Later, Aang referred to everyone, including Toph, as his family. When Loban later yelled at Satoru, who took it without a word, Toph deemed him to have acted like a “sniveling flunky”, which was something she could not respect.