Aizen pretended to be Ichigo, Uryuu pierced Yhwach with Still Silver, and Ichigo pounces on the final villain, halving him with his eroding bankai. The last confrontation between Aizen and Ichigo was an explosive celebration of power, each of them rising higher and higher, back to back, so as to destroy the other. Nevertheless, the hero had just undergone a three-month meditation crash course under the guidance of his dad, Isshin, and learned the true world bank webmail secret that lay behind the Final Getsuga. The last-ditch attempt to turn the tides in his favor failed miserably because Ryuuken effortlessly displays his awe-inspiring reiatsu by striking Uryuu with one of his reishi arrows. Interestingly, this action concludes the battle, while simultaneously restoring the young Quincy’s lost Letzt Stil. The fight here isn’t real, in that it is a kind of sparring match between Ishida Ryuuken and his son, Uryuu.

Aizen yet again appears behind Ichigo, who immediately moved away. Ichigo thought the timing for his attacks against Aizen was perfect and wondered if Aizen was protecting himself through the power of Zanpakuto. Aizen quickly made him realize that he wasn’t using Zanpakuto’s power but his natural instincts.

Aizen tells Renji to hand over Rukia, but of course, Renji refuses. Renji is still weak from when he fought Byakuya, because you can still see the slashes and blood on his robe. Renji puts up a fight anyway, but Aizen is able to break his sword with just the palm of his hand.

Upon discovering Ichigo’s presence, Aizen greets Ichigo and also appears in front of Shinigami. The first attacks launched by Ichigo against Aizen missed him and hit some barriers instead. As Ichigo initiates the technique, Aizen expresses surprise at the new form he has taken. Explaining how Saigo no Getsuga Tenshō means becoming Getsuga itself, Ichigo reveals he will lose all of his Shinigami powers if he uses this technique. Enraged, Aizen states such a thing is impossible because a mere Human cannot surpass him.

The Squad 6 Captain calmly snapped Ichigo’s sword in half before attempting to do the same to him. This was a crucial fight for Ichigobecause it was the first time he had faced an opponent whose level was leagues beyond his own. He took care of Renji surprisingly easily, considering the fact that he had received his zanpakuto very recently (and hadn’t even acquired its name at that point).