A significant television show, Power Trip, was hosted by Shobhaa as well. Her regular participation on several television debate shows also earned her an esteemed position in electronic media. Her style of writing is deemed a breath of fresh in the Indian literature. The highly individualistic style of writing that does at times seems provocative and bold. Another interesting fact about her writing is her invention of ‘Hinglish’, an uncanny blend of Hindi and English. Readers found this language a refreshing change in the Indian literature produced in ‘Hinglish’.

People have a tendency to try and pull themselves together and get by without doing anything to change the rules of the game. This is not just the way we work, the way we communicate. It’s a mindset that is based on the ability to think creatively, and the ability to think fast and fast. It’s probably because we have that mindset. Its people like you that keeps your country where it is. Ever suspicious, bigotted, intolerant and fanatical.

Brazilian squad Ninjas in Pyjamas opened the day by sweeping Fnatic while Europe’s Team Liquid outlasted Thai team XERXIA to become the first group stage team to qualify for the playoffs. Get Life Cover worth Rs. 1 crore @ just Rs. 25/day to live life worry-free. Among the distinguished literary writers of South Asia, Shobhaa De holds an elevated position. Being a novelist and a columnist, she contributed profusely to South Asian literature.

Sir, not sure you realize, Shoba De herself represents 0.0001% of the Indian population. There are maybe 100 people similar to Ms. De in India who have the privileges that she does. Of course India and Pakistan must learn to live in Peace as must people of all religions, but I find your generalizations a bit childish. To Understand India or Pakistan for that matter, one must leave the Ms. De’s behind and talk to the common person on the street.. Talk to the ones being converted forcefully in Pakistan, not the ones who travel there in pomp.

But being products of an entirely different era in Bollywood, it’s unlikely their career paths will run parallel. Lalit Modi has done his worst and they have survived. So far, Rajnath Singh is the only BJP bloke to have astutely handled a maha dhamaka capable of blowing up in several prominent faces. As any shrewd politician knows, the trick is to buy time and wait for the storm to blow over. Raje is sitting tight, as she can well afford to. If she is coerced into stepping down, there will be an open revolt in Rajasthan, where she is worshipped by people, who willingly acknowledge the good work she has done for the State.

Abhinav Bindra won gold not because of the Sports Ministry, it is because he could afford to invest crores in his personal shooting range and gear. We produce world class cricketers because BCCI spends billions on grassroots talent and training, hosting IPL and paying cricketing talent handsomely. Let’s do that to our athletes and see what happens. I am not sure if she saw the women’s archery team who lost by a whisker in the quarters.

Frankly, this annoying ‘report card’ exercise has become a bloody bore – don’t you agree? You are definitely not getting the ‘Student of the Year’ award – but, so what? Your fans (ummm – rapidly dwindling and disillusioned) are still supporting you as the Head Boy of India. But even the most dynamic head boy in a patshala, needs a supportive team to win inter-school and international events.

The pendulum swung in another direction, when he was enamoured by the depth and the vision of Mr Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Fiesty, unabashed Sonia Faleiro is just the kind of according to the federal regulations, research is eligible for exemption, if person who would’ve let her language flow en-encumbered and come up with the telling story of Mumbai’s red light underbelly. Our athletes are atleast better than you.

In all four cases, the ladies embroiled in various messy allegations, have put on an impressive show of bravado, preferring to brazen it out while the dust settles. It is also being said that hounding these ladies demonstrates the deep seated misogyny which dominates the party. Pankaja Munde’s story is different. She is young, brash and possibly in a tearing hurry to establish her political credentials. Here’s a greenhorn politician who had staked her claim to be anointed the Chief Minister of India’s premier stake – Maharashtra – on the basis of heaven knows what qualifications. Had it not been for internal bickering, the job would have been hers for the asking.