There is a greater risk of falling overboard when you are intoxicated. One could be at risk with constant blowing, shaking, falling, and tumbling in bad weather. Stay safely inside your deck when mapleroyals 3rd job advancement you start noticing a change in weather. According to, Jim Walker, a maritime attorney general, holds that 40 percent of the overboard fallings are caused by alcohol consumption.

The waves, rocks, and motion of the boat will likely knock you over. If you are standing on a slippery surface, you may be at a higher risk of falling overboard. However, even if you do not fall overboard, you should stay conscious of your surroundings.

People under the influence are more likely to put themselves in risky positions, such as the perimeter of a boat or fully leaned against railings. They’ll exercise less caution, and might not register danger in time. Waves can easily catch you off guard, forcing your ride to sway and rock unevenly. Smaller boats experience this more extensively due to their limited surface area. The worst part is that people might not even be noticed falling. This can occur during heavy rains or other inclement weather.

It’s not uncommon for people to lean on these railings, only to fall over the side abruptly due to turbulence. The railings can also have thin gaps in between, which children could easily slip past. Even the crew are unlikely to loiter on a boat deck during torrential rain. It also has the added effect of making it more difficult to breathe while overboard, with water droplets landing on one’s nose and mouth while trying to stay afloat.

However, if you stay resilient in the face of circumstances, think about survival instead of death, you will be able to stay longer in the water. Make sure to keep the center of gravity low avoid loading too much weight in your vessel. Follow three points of contact rule standing and while the boat is in motion.