Research limitations/implications The limitation is the restriction to the Jammu context. The studies have brought about the difference in attitudinal and behavioural loyalty. Future research can be carried out on the role of dependence in explaining and strengthening this relationship. Originality/value The present study provides an insight into for the customer loyalty and customer dependence in the context of modern and traditional retail formats. Unlike past decades, Business to Business markets now face increasing competition, reduced demand, market globalization trends, and highly demanding and powerful customers .

Unlike consumer market, business market has fewer customers. However, customers in the business market buy larger quantities than consumer market. As Kaplan and Olsen stated that the market size for consumer market is normally measured in “millions” whereas business market is measured in “thousands”. Thus, conclusion can be drawn where a company might have millions of customers where each customer buys in small quantity.

Thus, when the trained person has skills and knowledge, this key factor differentiates business marketing from consumer marketing. In consumer market, customers tend to possess less knowledge about the products as compare to business customers. As a result, impulse purchase is likely to happen in customer market rather than business market (Lau, 2007, p. 7). For instance, a female customer might did not plan to buy body wash during shopping time. However, the customer encounters a salesperson for AAA brand body wash and bought the product eventually because she was told by the salesperson that the body wash is good. From here, impulse purchase was happened in consumer market, and marketers can easily manipulate strategy to convince consumer to buy.

Each of these flows must be performed by a marketing intermediary for any channel to deliver the goods to the final consumer. Thus, each producer must decide who will perform which of these functions in order to deliver the service output levels that the target consumers desire. First, they may lack the financial resources to carry out the intermediary activities themselves. Second, many producers can earn a superior return the types of ____ systems used with personal and business computers today include smart cards. on their capital by investing profits back into their core business rather than into the distribution of their products. Finally, intermediaries, or middlemen, offer superior efficiency in making goods and services widely available and accessible to final users. For instance, in overseas markets it may be difficult for an exporter to establish contact with end users, and various kinds of agents must therefore be employed.

An example would be a paper manufacturer buying chemicals from a chemical company that buys a considerable amount of its paper form that company. I know this is true of most people, but if you’ve ever had to deal with a consumer market, you’ll know that buyers will often not care about the details. They’ll just be interested in the price, and if you can get the price you want by making it more appealing to them, you’ll be just fine. Generally, the more high-dollar and complex the item being sold is, the longer it takes for the sale to be made.

There are great differentiatingcharacteristics between those two. Buyers consist of a large number of farmers that operatesmall scale enterprises, inheritingbusinesses for generations, and have limited knowledge of technical and business environments. While suppliers consist of few, butlarge and integrated firms with greaterbusiness advantages. This study used survey design to identify effects of customer perceived value, customer satisfaction,and customer trust toward supplier andcustomer loyalties. This research involved 131 small chicken farming enterprises in Special Province of Yogyakartaas respondents.