elephant, trunk, tusks @ Pixabay

The 80s have been a rich time for photo-journalism. With the rise of the internet, a whole new generation of photographers has emerged to do the work of photo-journalism. These images of the 80s are a glimpse into the lives of people in their twenties, thirties, and forties.

With so many photo-journalists now out there, it’s easy to forget that some of the best photographers of the 80s were also just beginning their careers. The late Paul Moundou, for example, had just won the Pulitzer Prize for his work as a photographer for the New York Times, but he also had been working as a photo-journalist in his early 20s.

Photography has evolved from a way to record the world of a day in the 1980s into a medium of storytelling in its own right. There is a lot of irony in the work of photographers like Moundou, because in the 80s they were so focused on documenting the world they were not interested in documenting it. So a lot of their work is about storytelling, and about documenting the lives of people in their twenties, thirties, and forties.

The great thing about photography is that you can really document something that you never thought you would. I’m sure there are still photographers out there who prefer only shooting portraits of models because that’s more intimate and personal, but for the most part most of them are great at capturing people who are just like them.

The point is that they are all doing it for a very good reason. They love what they do, and they love shooting photographs.

A photo is the most important thing you can have in your life. It is the thing that makes you unique in the world and defines you as a person. If you don’t like the people that you photograph, it is your own fault. If you don’t like the things that you photograph, it is also your own fault. You must live up to your own standards or you will feel like an imbecile.

A photographer takes a picture. That means that he/she has to think about the picture, what it should look like, how it should look like to their viewers, and how it would look like if they gave it to you. As we all know, all of this is hard work, and hard work is a lot of fun. It’s also a lot of work that you can’t do on your own, and you need someone to help you out.

The problem is that there’s a lot of photos that are really good, but you cant tell the difference between good ones and bad ones because they look the same. They are all the same. The problem is that you dont know which ones are good, and which ones are bad because there is no way to tell. A good photographer can look at a picture and decide its good, but he cant tell if the picture is good.

You could think of photography as taking photos that are not that good, but that are good enough for you to share with a friend. Or you could think of photography as being able to make something look good, but it still looks bad because you didnt take the time to actually make it look good.

If you ever look through a box of old photos you wonder “Was that a good photo?” (well, it wasnt).


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