elephant, trunk, tusks @ Pixabay

In this video I discuss the difference between being a self-aware person, and being self-aware by being a person. I talk about how our self-awareness relates to our behavior and how that can affect our choices. I also discuss how our thoughts and actions may not always match up with our words, and that the more we are aware of our thoughts and actions, the more we can control them.

I think that the more we are aware of our thoughts and actions, the more we can control them. For example, I’ve been talking to my brother since we got back from our vacation. He came home from work with a very serious face and asked if I was okay. He seemed concerned and scared, but I know he was thinking about making sure I was okay.

I think about that every day. I think about what I say and do when I get home. I think about all the times I’ve thought that I was being paranoid and just wasn’t paying attention (like, say, when I was getting ready to go out for a night of drinking). I take my glasses off and I look at my reflection in the mirror.

Most of our life starts with our faces. And what’s the worst that can happen if we don’t pay attention to our faces? We can die of natural causes.

Well, death is one of those things that can be prevented in some cases, but not in others. A person can die from a heart attack, or a stroke, or a traumatic accident. All the same, there are a few things that can be done to reduce the risk of an accident.

One way to do this is to have your face properly groomed or by a makeup artist. The other way is to get your face waxed. To know what to do, you have to practice.

There are many different things you can do to reduce the risk of accident. The most important ones to remember are: use appropriate equipment (which includes a good pair of safety glasses) and don’t overexert yourself. If you’re in a hurry, don’t take off a pair of glasses or don’t change lenses while you’re at it. And if you see a friend doing a particularly silly thing, don’t tell them.

As I said before, there are many different things that you can do to reduce the risk of accident. The most important ones to remember are use appropriate equipment which includes a good pair of safety glasses and dont overexert yourself. If youre in a hurry, dont take off a pair of glasses or dont change lenses while youre at it. And if you see a friend doing a particularly silly thing, dont tell them.

The easiest way to reduce your risk of getting hurt is to keep your eyes on the thing you are looking at. When I was a kid, I had a pair of cheapo eyeglasses that I used to do all sorts of cool stuff, but one day I accidently put them on and I was instantly blinded by a light that was coming from an object over my right shoulder. It was a long time before I could recognize the object as a light from that distance.

A friend of mine had the same problem with a pair of cheapo lenses, and so we decided to start making our own. We put the lens on one eye and wore the other eye closed. We then tried to get other people to do the same, and eventually we had some success. One of our friends, Jason, is a photographer and has built a camera around this idea.


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