We ask that you not submit manuscripts that are currently under consideration or in process with another publication. Writers should look for opportunities to break out interesting information into separate “sidebars” to run with the main article. We call on local, state, and federal governments to appropriately devote substantial resources towards four key educational priorities. At T.E.R., we’re all about storytelling from a teacher’s perspective.

We only accept the articles that are sent in a Microsoft Word document. The link that you add in the informative article should be directed to a reliable blog, but not to any product, commercial site or affiliate marketing site. The following guidelines are to be followed while writing the articles.

We would love to see how well your writing does with our audience before we bring you on as a regular contributor. Educator’s Room reader is an educator who not only loves their profession but is also ‘hungry’ to learn about what’s happening around the country. Our readers are self-starters and diligent protectors of public education.

We also reserve the right to include internal Calls-To-Action to Tutorful content, within the blog, guides, search results pages and anywhere else on the site. Body copy links may be included if they reference valuable supporting content to aid readers on the core topic. We regularly send updates to our guest posters about the subjects we’re focussing on in the coming months. Write to provide value to our readers, who are the parents of college students looking to better understand the experiences of their student and support their success from move-in through graduation. Your content should be based on your own research and ideas.

You can send a few topic ideas before submitting an article to us directly. If you want to submit an article on our website, you must send the topic to the given email id. We will approve the topics that are interesting and relevant to our site. Whatever it is, we’d love to hear about it and welcome pitches on all education-related issues, academic subjects and all year levels from K-12. In exchange for our one-time payment, you give The Chronicle the exclusive right to publish and to sell through syndication, directly or through others, the article in any form for 30 days from the publication date.

The work you submit to us must be unique, original, and free of copyright infringement other intellectual property violations. In line with our mission, we focus on innovative education practices. We also frequently cover the important work being done by our partners, board members and friends. If you’re interested in contributing, feel free to reach out to the Editor just be sure to read the guidelines below first and check out our editorial calendar.

No user would be interested in reading an article with an uninspiring or ambiguous title. The post title is very important in enhancing readability. Keep in mind our educational blog needs and write something that will inspire and educate our readers and fellow educators. The best way to familiarize yourself with our style and content preferences is to read our blog. Suffice it to say, everything we publish is related in some way to education. More specifically, we’re interested in school improvement and educational equity.