In case we find more than 2 links in the content, we can eliminate them or change it to the no-follow attribute. Here are some of the guidelines related to fitness write for us niche.So before you submit the blogs please read them carefully. We are not here to sell products/services to our readers.

By the way, my site is accepting guest post and that’s great if it could be added to your list. Did anyone have fashion or shopping related blogs for guest posting. Guest blogging is NOT dead and it will never be as long as you adhere to Google rules and create quality content for others.

Lots of link-building techniques, which were working in the past, may not work anymore in the present or future. Google will never penalize your website for writing a high-quality guest post on a blog that’s relevant to your niche. If we explain a guest post simply,it is an article that is shared to get posted on someone else’s blog page. Writing anything and posting it on our blog is known as a “post,” but in the case of other’s blogs, it is known as guest posts.

Just don’t do it for the sake of links, also focus on relationships to have a better impact in the long run. Do check out the popular guest posts to find out what type of contents usually work better in your target blog. Let’s now talk about each one of the above tools in detail so you can easily understand how to effectively use them to easily land guest posts even on authority sites.

I recommend everyone to get in touch with people within their niche and actually get to know them . By doing so, popular bloggers might actually consider your posts even though they doesn’t “allow” guest posts. Very resourceful list Anil, going to take some time to get through those but could be useful so thank you. I already guest post on several of these, they’re great. Just a note we also allow for guest posting Anil 🙂 Would love to be added to your list.

Now write one more guest post and send it to the next blog owner expecting a guest post from you. Do proper research before you start writing guest posts for any blog. The more time you spend on researching, the better quality of guest posts you can create.

Publishers can easily add their sites and monetize them by placing guest content there. Well, how does one become a part of this team you would possibly ask? By writing a top-quality guest post that will be published to our thousands of monthly unique viewers!