From topic selection and gathering research to writing the post and pressing “Publish,” the process often demands hours. That’s why, if your post doesn’t earn the traffic you expected, it can be a major letdown. Use at most 5 reference links in your content to other blogs. View our complete list of topics that we’d love to have expert contributions. Avoid using cliches or other kinds of vague language; keep it snappy and pointed, so our readers know exactly what to expect once your article loads.

Websites that are responsive to mobile allow blog pages to have just one URL instead of two — one for desktop and one for mobile, respectively. This helps your post’s SEO because any inbound links that come back to your site won’t be divided between the separate URLs. This presentation from Rory Hope at INBOUND 22 shares how you can use your social media data to create SEO personas for your blog.

We love images, photos, graphics, videos, screenshots, or GIFs. Make sure to use H2 and H3 title tags properly capitalized in order to format your blog posts correctly. The core purpose of the Logic Inbound blog is to dispense knowledge. We do not ask you to know the absolute last word in your area of your expertise, however what we do look for is passion. Your passion will always be reflected in the content you create, which will be picked upon by our readers and other industry leaders. Then I’d love to hear your story idea – please get in touch before writing something.

Remember that you are informing the reader, not lecturing them. At VOCSO, we accept a particular format, and the same we expect from you. If you’re looking to submit an article to VOCSO, be sure to format it in the correct way. We accept articles that are formatted in a specific way, and if you don’t follow this format, your article will likely be rejected. But before you submit, please take a look at our guidelines so your post has the best chance of being accepted.

Once we receive your submission, one of our editors will take a look and get back to you with any feedback or questions. If everything looks good, we’ll publish your article on our site within a week. After your article is published, we encourage you to promote it to your own networks to help increase its reach. Once your article is selected for publication, our editorial team will work with you to make any necessary edits or revisions. We have the right to edit our articles or their titles as we see fit. Make sure your article flows smoothly and is easy to read.

Conducting interviews with experts is another effective way of leading traffic back to your website. If you suspect that your low ranking is due to slow page speeds, head over to Google’s PageSpeed site for a free analysis and recommendations. Don’t forget about bullet points – they’re great attention grabbers and easily digestible, especially on mobile devices. Most content management systems have meta description boxes built-in, so you likely won’t have to look far to use the function. In this post, we’re going to dive into 12 ways to master SEO writing. Needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding.

The search engine algorithms don’t know your content strategy. Although dwell time is an indirect ranking factor for Google, it’s a critical factor in the user experience — and we know that user experience is king when it comes to SEO. Organizing the content using headings and subheadings is important as well because it helps the reader scan the content quickly to find the information they need.

You can write how-to articles, listicle articles, informative, etc. You don’t have to create a featured image for the article, we will create one once we accept your article. However, we strongly recommend using relevant images in the text – screenshots, illustrations, graphs, etc.