Here are the following categories to write for us. Include one featured image relevant to the post topic. Lifestylexplore.comshare the trending updates of Fashion, Health, Fitness, Beauty, Travel, and other lifestyle things. Before sharing the article with us, please check the content its should not have any grammar or spell mistakes. Here on our blog, you can write for us Beauty, makeup, cosmetics, and much more beauty-related stuff. We typically use 2nd person for our pieces, but 3rd is also acceptable.

We might offer you to exchange links with us for 1 Do-Follow link on our website. 1 – Your blog’s material should have at least one internal link to make the data easily accessible. Avoid passive voice and include transition words. The normal Submissions for one of our blog sections should range between 700 to 1000 words. Content Should be plagiarism-free; should not copy content from other websites. Lifestylexplore started with the motto of sharing knowledge to the users from the categories of Health, Beauty, Fashion, Parental, Food, Travel and more Lifestyle things of living things on earth.

It has now become a trend to search the web for the symptoms and the cure of the health related trouble we face. It allows people to gain insight into an issue through the real-time experiences of other people. Title & Content – Your guest post article topic must be related to our blog category. You can also confirm the topic via mail before sending the content.

We aim to bring the most exquisite information for your lifestyle concerns. Covering contents for your holistic journey to wellness, we have four distinctive categories. Like the saying, health is wealth and it is always the first thing we should focus on to enjoy life to the fullest, and yes, the longest.

We appreciate you linking back to your post in your future articles – so please write something worth linking to. Finally, all links in the post should be relevant and quality websites. Submitted articles should raise awareness and inspire or inform the reader. They should encourage the reader to take action and support business success.

SmartBrief welcomes ideas for original editorial content from guest writers. If you’re interested to writing for us, follow the six easy steps below. Links are essential to articles, and we want you to use them – when you make a statement, quote research, use data in your story, want to provide readers with more context, etc. Always make sure you link to a reliable and trustworthy source. A bonus point is finding an article in the Getmeds blog that covers the same or similar topic and links it. We’re always looking for high-quality, original content from experts in the field of health and wellness.

In the health niche, we do our very best to create exceptional content for our readers. This means that we are constantly seeking new writers who can offer a unique perspective on their work. We urge all freelance writers to submit guest posts at on health issues, promoting wellness, and health care products that are their original work. Are you looking for a blog to publish your guest post? We are looking for great blog content to add value to our blog.

We appreciate the efforts of the writers, but we do not provide any monetary benefit in exchange. Do not share article directly without topic approval from our team. We reserve the right to evaluate and modify your work for grammatical mistakes, plagiarism, and other issues. So don’t be angry if we ask for too many revisions; it is our responsibility, as well as the final goal, to provide the public with high-quality, error-free material.

But as a matter of principle, your writing skills would get even more precise, discriminating and verily so articulate. Even there is not only an archetypal explanation to define such a prolife rant outcome which you might get under the advocacy of Coupon Toaster. The candidate would be head of the whole subject matter under consideration, he would be the chief executive of the manuscript project. Meanwhile, in charge of this very context the candidate’s identity is revealed more than the confidentiality itself. Read our about page thoroughly, it explains the types of content we publish, our mission and philosophy. If you feel your health and wellness related article is a fit, please submit through the form below.