The Balance uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy. Be honest.Your “About Me” page should reflect your genuine interests, whether they’re personal or work-related. You never know when someone might use the material in your statement to strike up a conversation.

Before you submit, know that due to the number of posts we receive, Maybe Delay replying to every submission. It is safe to assume that if we do not reply to you within two weeks, your submission will not be published. Share tips you’ve learned, new discoveries in your field of expertise, resolutions to problems you’ve solved, etc. We are now in process of expanding our team of writers by welcoming guest writers on our blog.

If you have fresh and innovative quality content then it would be a golden opportunity to be a part of eJobMitra. Unfortunately, due to the volume of submissions, we may not respond to or publish all articles. However, if we select your pitch for publication, we will send further instructions by email. Likewise, if you pitch a webinar and it is a good fit for our audience, we will reach out by email with the next steps. Job search, interviewing, and career development advice from executives, HR professionals, career coaches, and others with relevant experience.

If you sent us an article that has been published elsewhere. Started in 2018, KingdomOfJobs has caught the attention of industry leaders in a short span of time and now it has a good loyal reader base. — We only accept papers submitted in Microsoft Word or Google Docs format.

Our readers are job-seeking and career-minded executives so we want content that is helpful and relevant to them. Your articles need to be directed towards that audience. We do not publish articles on topics that we have previously covered. Fill out the form to submit at least 3-4 topic ideas for our content editor to consider. Only original, unpublished work will be accepted in MS word format – Please do not send articles that have already been published on your blog or elsewhere.

Your bio will appear at the end of the article. Please don’t send pitches, ideas or outlines. Submit the actual article you would like us to consider publishing. If you send only a pitch, idea or outline, or if you merely send a comment like, “I would like to write for your blog“, we probably won’t respond to you. Include a brief personal description of your professional credentials and links to relevant portfolios, websites, or LinkedIn profiles.

Insightful news and career advice straight to your inbox. For ranking the article, SEO plays an important role. Hence you must be aware of SEO while writing. Here we have given some guidelines that will help you while writing. Your article shouldn’t contain any harsh words that may trigger some audience.

High-resolution photos can be added to the material. The photographs you provide must not violate any intellectual property rights. When you save the photographs, you must give them a suitable name. If you want to include an infographic in the article, you must provide the code. No promotional links are allowed in the article itself.

Once it has been approved, please allow us up to 3 more business days to publish your content. You may include one do-follow link in the article. The link you include in the educational article should point to a trustworthy blog, not to a product, commercial site, or affiliate marketing site. If you want to submit an article for publication on our website, please send the topic to the email address provided. Topics that are intriguing and related to our site will be approved. The content you submit to the site must be at least 1000 words long.