We only provide one do-follow link into the content & one in the author bio section. Once published on MenaEntrepreneur, you must not republish the article elsewhere. Please be advised that we will unpublish your article immediately if it’s found republished. Placing a link at the content gives you traffic as well as authority.

Through the articles, they should learn about a new topic, acquire a unique point of view, or get aware about a leading brand and their story. So, if you want to write for us in Startups, Entrepreneurship or Business niche, you are welcome. However, this is a big opportunity for you to share your unique content on our website to get relevant backlinks which benefits us also. You have to just keep one thing in mind is that your article should be written in a particular niche & subject.

You will get a link to your website/blog in a non-promotional way. Content should be at least 1000 words with relevant images and graphics for effective visual communication. Use data and statistics to validate your content where applicable. Ensure the statistics included are not older than 3 years.

You are allowed a maximum of one link to your personal blog or website in the body of the article. Never provide any misguided or complex information that may confuse our readers. Guest posts must contain original content with accurate information. Cinejoia.tv Website has become popular for a few things that we do for our viewers. We upload simple and original content so that our viewers may not get confused while reading articles. Please write in simple, non-technical language so that the content is easy to read and understand.

We are looking for business writers who understand good business communication’s key elements. Examples of articles focusing on business communication would include writing a business plan, business proposal, proposals for a contract, and general business correspondence. We also require that articles are clear, 700+ words, and have unambiguous language. Our main requirement is that your article provides useful and actionable advice to our audience.

Welcome to smartentrepreneurblog.com we’re super-excited for your interest to write for us. We reserve the right to accept or reject any article that does not meet our standards. If you sent us an article that has been published elsewhere. The shares held meager gains during choppy and uninspiring trading on Friday, which denotes the start of the period that… We accept everything from text to illustrations to photographs.

Don’t include promotions, endorsements, and or link backs to a specific product, service, or business. Ideally, before you send in your pitch, we expect that you would have taken the time to go through our guidelines – we don’t want to waste your time and ours. Nothing on this website should be considered personalized financial advice.

Each month, millions of readers visit our site in search of solutions, new ideas and inspiration. Sharing your thoughts, experiences and hard-earned problem-solving techniques is a great way to help others, make connections and strengthen your personal brand and stature as a business leader. You will accept any form of editing the Ideas Plus Business editorial team considers to be necessary and reasonable. This includes adjusting titles to optimize reader engagement. We don’t pay for articles but we will create an author profile for you that will have your byline, bio, and photos as a way of giving you a backlink and free online promotion to your website.

The lifestyle-related posts give you the opportunity to be more creative, since you have the chance to write about a wider range of topics, such as health and wellness, beauty, and travel. You will receive an email alert when your piece is being edited, when it is scheduled and when it runs. For your professional bio, don’t use superlatives or overly promotional or personal language. Provide the city of the company’s headquarters and where the contributor is located, if different. Hyperlink your company name and any published book, if you’d like.

We are building a business community and platform with the best business leaders and voices, we want your voice to be heard too. You will be writing for Your Entrepreneur Resources blog, which covers all sorts of topics regarding Online Business. The content is to be interesting, engaging and creative. You will be given a byline so you may further expand your writing portfolio. If you are an MBA or business studies student and want to share your research about any business-related topics, you are more than welcome.