Welcome to Urban Splatter, the blog about eccentric luxury real estate and celebrity houses for the inquisitive fans interested in lifestyle and design. Also find the latest architecture, construction, home improvement and travel posts. If you need ideas for blog topics, here is a list of some formats that you can start with. Other than these restrictions, you can choose any topic you want.

Words can be extended if you have quality and entertaining content. Any images you wish to include should be royalty free or you should have the license to share it. ImpeccaBuild has exclusivity rights to the content being submitted. Submitted content cannot be reposted onto other publications. The last item the web needs is another half-baked blog post. We are always looking for passionate and talented individuals to contribute useful, interesting and informative articles to our site.

3) After acceptance e-mail, we will take about 7 days to optimize and find the right time for publishing your post. Finally, we will provide you with the live link to your guest blog and the acknowledgment email. Once you send us the blog, we will check it from all possible angles and if everything is good to go, we will publish it in our site and then republish it in our social media pages. We will first go through the topics or ideas you send to us and if we find it good enough we will get in touch with you with a request to proceed further with the blog.

As we all know guest posting or guest blogging is one of the very popular and effective SEO strategies. Hey everyone if you are looking for a “Home decor write for us” then, congrats you have landed on the right website. We as a team very thankful to everyone showing their interests towards contributing content to House Integrals. We are in the search of creative writers who can provide high-quality content for House decor. If you are sending articles for interior designing blogs write for us submission.

Please include information about you, your relevant writing experience and any links to your work. In addition to writing you may be required to look at images and create short descriptions and describe the types of materials used. For instance, types of kitchen countertops materials, cabinetry, flooring etc. Applicants will need to be creative and be able to describe what is in the picture using their knowledge of home decor and design. Developergang.com is here to accept blogs for all niches like health, home and improvement, business, tech, and more. If you want to publish your blog on developer gang, please get in touch with