From your author bio, you will have a backlink to your blog. Our editorial team demands uniquely written and high-quality content. Read previous posts and browse the most popular topics to find out what works on this blog. Your guest article requirements can build on the Guest Post Guidelines page.

To submit, use the contact form on the Contact page to send your article. Your essay will be credited to you in your byline with a link to your website. Read the content of the blog and then visit the Write for us page for more information. To submit an article, go to the contact page and fill out the form. Check out the archives and previous guest posts. There is a section for pets on this community blog.

I do this with my own work and with that of the guest authors. If you would prefer that I not do this to your post, then I would suggest you publish elsewhere. You are welcome to add personal antidotes if they will enhance your article.

To submit, fill the form on the submission page. On this blog, priority gives to list articles. That is an example of the different types of posts published on this blog. Follow these guidelines for submitting your article to increase your chances of being accepted.

You agree to promote the published post via social media and other promotional channels. If you have first hand experience of a particular pet and would like to share then we love in depth guides that cover every aspect for our readers. Please make sure you format your paragraphs into short easy to read paragraphs. Do not chunk too must sentence into one big paragraph, 1-3 sentence max per paragraphs. If you need examples, please go through our past articles.

The data of your blog post should be structured neatly with clear use headings and subheadings. This way, the audience will find it easy to read and comprehend. First of all, we have to reject article submissions that are merely copied from other sites from the internet. Submission has to be original, of value and be high quality. We’ll have no choice but to reject submission which is not written from scratch and off stolen content.