I will include a short author section featuring you along with the article. Hence along with the post send me a brief about yourself, your LinkedIn profile link , and a photo if you want me to use a different one that from your LI profile. I will help massage your writing, if required, for web-publishing. We use Flesch Reading Ease scale to refine content for better readability. I will also create the hero image needed for the post. SEO guidelines of the search engine should be followed by contributors while developing the guest post.

To begin guest blogging for us, you can share a blog outline for a topic listed above and share it with our team by clicking on the ‘Write for Us’ button below. If your idea is out of the box, our team members will reach out to you. Let us turn your brand story into an interesting one!

If you’re referencing news or articles from other bloggers, you must attribute your sources, but we will not allow links back to your blogs. This rule eliminates the creation of fluff posts with the sole intention of promoting another site. We want to help promote you as the author of your article and provide an opportunity to include a byline/signature on your posts. We’re looking for you to let people know who you are and what you do in PM Workshops’Community. Are you an author with a fresh perspective? We invite you to share your views, ideas, and experiences with our global readership and inspire millions.

We often have a backlog of guest posts and only use 4-5 per month, so it may take 8-10 weeks for your post to appear. We pay via Paypal at the end of the month your post appears (on Mass Pay, so no fees get taken out!), so make sure we have your correct Paypal email. We currently pay $75-$150 for guest posts (higher fees are for longer, in-depth pieces written on assignment only). We buy all rights to your post and ask that your post is original and not posted somewhere else at the same time. You can submit an original article for possible publication on Before you submit an article, please pitch your idea and provide the following information via email to Post, you must know that you have to follow some of our essential guidelines and instructions.

Read and follow these guest post guidelines. Seriously, you would not believe how many writers pitch me who have clearly never read this page. Choose any project management topic you are passionate about to write. Choose from one of three categories of a blog post – News , How-Tos, Concept explanation with examples.