Also, try to highlight your expertise in the domain. We don’t publish any duplicate content so your content must be unique. Include relevant and high-quality images for every single point or topic within your content. Simply copying images from other websites or blogs is strictly prohibited. You can use free licensed images without any fear of copyright issues. Your editor will coordinate a specific publication date with you and will send you a link to your post when it goes live.

If you are going to pitch a piece related to either of these topics, pleasemake sure it has a very unique and quality-focused take. Before pitching to High Country Magazine, ensure that you are a strong writer with a unique idea or perspective. To avoid cliches you must study their NAJA HCN bingo board. You can write on various topics like reportage and news analysis, features, essays, perspectives, and op-eds, reviews, and more. Pay and submission email varies according to the chosen topic. If you are an agency or company working to place guest posts for links, we don’t do any of this.

We accept 1 in 30 pitches, and only a third of those get published. Guest contributors to Copyhackers enjoy the benefit of building their authority as well as great FB shares, tweets, backlinks, brand-development and signups to their lists. Keep this in mind when writing your post, and you’ll create valuable content seen by some of the world’s most credible marketing professionals. Any claims you make must be backed by links to research or case studies.

Read and follow these guest post guidelines. Seriously, you would not believe how many writers pitch me who have clearly never read this page. Take some time to figure out what questions, keywords, and topics readers may be searching on Google.

Check out some of our articles to see the structure and read our article How to Write a Bullet-Proof Blog Post Outline in 5 Minutes. Before you write something for our site, you should probably have an idea of the content that we write and whom we write that content for. DO NOT SUBMIT PRE-WRITTEN POSTS without getting an assignment first. Avoid using cliches or other kinds of vague language; keep it snappy and pointed, so our readers know exactly what to expect once your article loads. If everything goes well, we will publish your article within a week and will email you the article link. We prefer submissions as Google documents so that editors can easily provide feedback and guidance directly within your draft.

We only ever allow one writer to work on a job at a time. One Story accepts submissions from January 15 to May 31st and from September 7th to November 14th. Once published, all content becomes the property of Lean Labs. We’ll leave the content untouched unless you request updates, or if we find grammatical issues. Our articles have one H1 tag , an intro, one H2, segue text, and the rest of the article uses H3s and H4s as necessary.

Among others, and our clients have gone on to publish top-charting books and viral blog posts themselves. So work hard to make sure that we don’t have a reason to say no, by reading through the guidelines below and sending us your best ideas and pieces. Please read through all the guidelines to learn how to submit a piece that has a better chance of acceptance. If you’ve got an idea that will challenge our readers and move our industry forward, we want to hear about it. But you don’t need to wait for an idea that will redefine web design.