Choose among dozens of mommy fitness blogs to pick the right one. We only accept high-quality, well-written, and science-supported articles. We appreciate it when you add links to studies, surveys, and other credible sources of information to help support your article. We also understand if your intention is to build links to your own site.

You can include a link to your blog; however we reserve the right to edit any links before publication. Your article must not contain pornography and vulgar materials, profanity, religious and racial intolerance, insults, political issues and crime. We are happy to publish the articles, which contain positive things, useful tips, helpful ways, your life stories and your own travel experiences. If your article is authorized published on our site, it will become the sole property of our website. Min. word limit is 750 but can be exceeded since making passage informative is one of our central mottos. Format eases the reader is going through and becomes eye-catcher hence your article should be in well-maintained format i.e. proper use of bullets, headings, paragraphs, etc.

If you don’t like the final article, we will honor a takedown request, but you won’t get your money back. To write a fantastic article or guest post on AmyandRose, you need to have an innate passion for writing Health and Fitness articles with sufficient information backing up your claims. You will be asked to share some of your experiences in the industry that may help our readers as well. is running a fitness blog that demands extraordinary compassion for others and therefore the enthusiasm to inspire people. I have even been within the fitness industry for an extended time now and understand the necessity for creating connections with my clients. We only agree to take original, unique content that has not beforehand been issued. Health Magazine Lab is a great way to share your knowledge and expertise with our audience of millions of health-conscious individuals.

Do you have specialization on any health and wellness-related subject that you’d love to share with avid readers? Our website can act as an ideal platform for you to share your knowledge and information with others so that they can begin their health and fitness journey. Readers can even use your suggestions to grow business and their financial circumstances.

We are looking for articles that offer interesting, meaningful, and timely information—topics that balance research with practical application. Further, you can share your piece of content through various social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. The second requirement is that the article must be 800 and more words to be qualified for publishing on our website. If you submit work that is less than this word count or we see that redundant information as fillers is being used to reach the word count then it will be rejected.

While we do offer sponsored content opportunities, we prefer that you keep the tone and links in your content non-promotional in nature. The guest post should be original and should contain unique ideas on the topic that have not been published on other platforms or websites. The Mom News Daily team is always looking for great contributors. It doesn’t matter if you’re a seasoned blogger or just starting out. By writing for us, you can write for us Health and Fitness and share your thoughts with our audience.

This means that the information found in your guest post cannot easily be found in a two-minute search on Google. For the topic you pick, your post needs to be industry-leading in that respect. If you aren’t an expert in health and fitness, then you are probably aren’t going to meet this standard. FitnezBuzz is one of the leading Health & Fitness resource blogs which covers latest topics on Health Care, Food, Diet, Lifestyle, Wellness and much more. We gives you the opportunity to provide guest posts on our website.

We maintain high editorial standards and approve only well-written content that offers value to our audience. In turn, we offer a highly-trusted and niche platform for brands and publishers to share their content and earn equitable links and exposure. For the credit of the post, writers can send us a 2-3 line biography upto two links to their blog’s social media accounts and one linkback for the blog. You can promote the post on social media platforms by publishing 100 words of the article along with the link to the post. As an article writer, there is a good chance you might get your application declined if you do not produce an exceptional article for us.