Once you deliver the final tutorial with quality content, we’ll release your payment through Bank Transfer or PayPal. If we like your article or tutorial idea, we’ll reply you via mail to move forward. Common Ninja owns the rights to any and all content published on its platform.

We usually accept detailed posts , but we can make exceptions only for out-of-this-world-we’ve-got-to-post-this type of content. You should send Images which can be added to the post, along with a feature image (300×300). Make sure the images are properly credited.

Don’t link to shady or low-quality sites, we do check the quality of links before publishing. Join the growing community of webdew and get latest marketing trends, agency updates, valuable resources, and more to grow your business. Please don’t do keyword stuffing and copy content from other websites. We are happy to link back to our writers own websites and/or LinkedIn profiles. We also appreciate internal links to some of our content. Also, include a synopsis of what the blog post will be about.

Please send your thoughts via the form below , and 4-5 links to your previous work. Tell us exactly how readers will benefit from the post. The content must be original and it should have never been published anywhere else.

We reserve the right to edit your content for clarity and readability during the process. Similarly, we can add or remove internal and external links to add value for our audience. All guest posts must be your original and not published on any other site. These type of posts give advice and guidance to our readers and are quite popular. These could cover business or developer related content.

Interested writers can pitch their fresh ideas as we are always open to new ideas. Due to several low-quality applications, we’re not accepting guest posts on our site, currently. We are happy to answer questions, discuss an idea or outline, or give feedback on a draft article. We will work with you to provide full editorial support to shape, format, post and promote the article. Blog articles should be light on theory and academic language, focusing on findings or outcomes and the implications for supervisory practice.

We’ll do our best to help you refine your pitch and once approved you can begin the writing process. Just fill up all the files below and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Keep in mind there are many writers who submit the exact same thing. However, we would not want to keep anyone waiting for too long. You can rest assured a member of our highly-trained team would read your guest post right away. Don’t worry though because a lot of people go through the same thing so it would be nice to present some sort of guide for them that they can follow.

There’s a lot people have to say about open source concepts, the way business is done or about things that need attention. Such posts are insightful and invoke thought and opinions in the minds of the reader. Your opinion is welcome, but the post should not be mean or completely biased. These should be on popular, trending topics, or should be on something that’s rarely written. Please do not send us listicles on a topic that’s been beaten to death, if it has nothing new to offer. Starting from signing up for an absolutely free account to publishing your post online expeditiously and efficiently.