And since you maintain the copyright to your story, you can still use it elsewhere if your story isn’t a winner. At least this way, you might win some money and recognition for doing it. If you’re new to writing and can’t quite find an audience, or if you dream of quitting your job to become a writer, then fear not!

Being a content writer is another opportunity to make some money online. There are a lot of websites and companies who are always on the lookout for writers to add to their team. With the world getting increasingly fast-paced everyday, our attention spans have gotten increasingly smaller. We don’t want to watch long videos or read long articles, but we would still want to get all that information in a short, concise way that does not take too much of our time. As a result, writing articles with headings like “Top 10 celebrity blunders” have become increasingly common today. He’s also sometimes funny on Twitter and Facebook.

Let me hear your thoughts on this TopTenz Review in the comments below. From what I can see most lists are about facts you didn’t know or cool facts about popular industries. Really anything that isn’t well known or a bit unusual seems to do very well on the site. Like I mentioned above, they do a very good job of describing all the details of formatting, research, and general writing tips on their website, so I won’t get into detail.

The compelling appeal of a typical urban legend is its elements of mystery, horror, fear, or humor. Some urban legends are morality tales that depict someone acting in a disagreeable manner, only to wind up in trouble, hurt, or dead. They prefer articles to be 700 – 900 words, and they pay up to $75 per article depending on a lot of factors; you might need to reach out to their editor first to discuss payment. Scotch is looking for articles about web design and development.

When you send in your list you don’t need to include images or videos. Our team of editors does a great job selecting the best images to complement your writing. We don’t promise we’ll use them, but we’ll definitely consider them. Official SiteAnother pretty interesting site to get information from is Alltop.

For this reason, I decided to write a review and show you how you can make money writing lists for TopTenz. Unfortunately, the company has already stopped this program. But their doors are not closed just yet, as there’s still a big possibility that they will bring back this program and start accepting submissions again.

One of the main things I liked about TopTenz is that there’s no need for you to register, to apply, or to sign up to the website to be able to submit an article. There’s no need to be a member or anything or go through an application process, as the company only requires that you make a submission via email. Now that we know more about TopTenz and what they are offering, it’s time to discuss what I liked about the opportunity they provided.

They can also be linked to viral online content. Others are fake virus-alerts, warning people of nonexistent threats to their computers, often appearing as online pop-ups claiming to be giveaways or store coupons. The articles found on ListVerse are written by their community, making the lists ListVerse has truly fun to read and highly addictive.