But we strictly advice to people consult a licensed and professional financial advisor for any kind of investment you need. We only write about the investment and personal finance tips for information and educational purpose here. Finance blog ElitePersonalFinance says it spends more than $100,000 per year on creating high-quality content for its site. That means it’s always looking for talented writers who can write 1,000- to 3,000-word posts that cover business, ways to earn money online, credit reports, loans, identity theft and more. This also has the potential to become a recurring opportunity. This is a personal finance site dealing with budgeting, frugality, saving money, and paying off debt.

If you think you meet those requirements, and you can meet the rest of these requirements, please contact us about guest posting on Beating Broke. Any editorial guest post articles submitted to us will be peer-reviewed before publication. We reserve the right to reject any submission we feel does not resonate with our blog or community. Any content that is not uniquely written or is already published on the web will not be accepted.

Opinion Pieces — or written works that reflect the personal views of their writer. In-depth Articles — or lengthy technical pieces that increase our readers’ understanding of certain issues. If you wish to re-publish elsewhere, you must obtain permission in writing. Monthly payments are made through PayPal or direct deposit. 1 link per 300 words is ideal, max 2-3 linksin total.

The post has to be an original piece of at least 500 words, which is about personal finance and money. If you are interested in being a staff writer, please send an email to moneypropeller gmail com. Send us some links to your work or to your portfolio, the type of arrangement you are looking to find (long term, one-off) and your rates.

Our site welcomes part-time writers and guest post opportunities that mainly focus on the facets of business and finance and present them in a more straightforward manner. If this interests you, please feel free to send us an email of your past articles, your personal profile, and a topic pitch at Do you have “unusual and interesting, yet practical, ideas for earning and saving more money”?

Only theme or below topics-based articles and posts, which have valuable information & tips will be considered. Financegab.com is a well-established platform, so the work published on our website is equally rewarding for both the writers and for our website. As we have a wide reader base, many potential employers, publishers, and clients can read your work and you also get an opportunity to learn a lot in the process. All the articles published on our site may be shared on our social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc. We are happy to link your personal blog or website and social media links in the byline and author bio.