A bummer when you’ve amassed big numbers and worked hard to promote a certain article. If you’re a control freak, expect to feel hella frustrated by the Psychology Today/Facebook bug issues that cause ‘likes’ to disappear overnight, seemingly at random. He has previously been a senior editor at PBS, Time Inc., Scholastic, Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, and Parade Publications, and is the former editor-in-chief of Grandparents.com. He has written extensively on parenting, family life, and mental health for magazines and websites including Parents, The Week, AOL, Men’s Health, and Nick Jr. Goodness of fit between a client and therapist has all to do with personality fit. This cannot be ascertained via reading a person’s background and listing of alleged skills/clinical competencies.

But, according to the quota system for we Psychology Today “experts,” if we don’t post three blogs for each quarter of the year, no fruit parfait. The editors say this is not punitive; it is a “friendly reminder” to stay “fresh.” We mentioned last week in our 6 Qualities of the Best Therapy Websites post the importance of having a blog or resources page to provide additional information and resources for your clients online.

Your qualifications mean next to nothing to them. All the arcane letter combinations (LCSW, MFT, LMFT, EMDR, PsyD, etc.) – these are at best confusing to the vast majority of would-be therapy clients. Photo by Shawn Thompson The controversy about tiger moms reminds me of what happens when human beings take the role of being a parent t… I have to say about my friends the guerrillas, the chimpanzees, the orangutans — and the sweet bonobos — that they have a natural sense of justice and fair play, and will back me up on this point. That natural sense of justice is not unique to us. We didn’t invent it out of “the blue.” It is not something that comes from our ability to use language or to reason philosophically, which we think makes us unique.

Consider how you can improve your Psychology Today profile. Make sure that you understand your Psychology Today traffic update. Do you need help in understanding how Psychology Today profile view work or why profile views don’t always translate to appointments? Give us a call or fill out the contact form and click Send. You will be notified by email when your colleague creates a reference for you Click on the link in the email to view the recommendation. If you like the endorsement, click Publish to Profileto post the recommendation on your PsychologyToday.com profile page.

While I didn’t get nor magazines nor my money back, I will consider it as they stole my money. I want to add the screenshots of my texting with the team, but somehow unable to do it, in any case, I hope such things not to happen to anyone again, so % don’t recommend it. I am an integrative psychotherapist based in London and I help counsellors, psychologists and psychotherapists build value-aligned, sustainable private practices through courses, coaching and community. Psychology Today is a medical magazine devoted to exploring human behavior and relationships, anxiety, and other psychological conditions. You can dedicate your third paragraph to answering these questions (similar to Dr. Pate’s example), or you can pepper this information throughout your summary.

About surviving the worst episodes of your life. I read another article about how depression realism has been debunked but when I looked at the underlying study, it was not an exact replication of the study it claimed to invalidate. I found several therapists here who turned out to be duds…

Anorexia and recovery from it will sometimes still doubtless be my jumping-off points, but the plan is to explore other spheres of mind, body, life, and work. One reason is that post-recovery is even more interesting than recovery. Another is that post-recovery shades imperceptibly into simply being alive, and all that’s far from simple about that. So, I hope that whatever your starting point, you might find something of value in either blog or both. Gradually, over more than a decade now, my blog’s readers have become central to what it means to me. They ask difficult questions, they suggest topics for new posts, they teach me how much our experiences of disordered eating have in common—and about the ways in which they differ.

Mental health writing is not just spewing statistics, citing research, or selling self-care—that’s what grad school was for. Research-itis is an occupational hazard for many a well-intentioned clinician who blogs. Which is not to say that ALL psychotherapists should try their well-deserved credentials at blogging. Please describe your proposal, why you want to start the blog now, and what qualifies you to write it. You may also attach or include links to 1-3 samples of previously published writing. Contributors are required to adhere to a range of guidelines.

Business – Business psychology focuses on the effectiveness of a workplace or organization through the study of people and overall behavior in the workplace. One respondent who responded “it depends” shared that it’s important to think about the location of your practice. Her practice is in a particularly saturated area and she did not get new business through Psychology Today. If you’re a therapist hungry to enjoy a full, successful, powerful practice and you want every possible edge to make your success a reality, then this is the right place for you. A clear call to action lets your prospective client know what to do while reiterating how you can help them. Specifics grab your prospective client by the collar and shake them awake.