Posts with few to no grammatical mistakes will be published swiftly. The post is shared with our network and you are free to share amongst yours. Send us a picture, your personal Twitter and LinkedIn profiles but we are happy to only link to your company homepage. We don’t want “300 ways to create an Ad on Facebook…”. Lists (or so-called listicles) are fine as long as they’re actionable and in-depth.

The following instruction will help you to get approved by us. Please follow all the instruction before submitting your article. Classic Informatics navigate offshore coordination problems skillfully and provide prompt responses. Customers can expect an experience strategic partner with valuable project insights. Each product we deliver goes through strict quality control. We help you set up an agile team of developers, strategists & project manager around expertise you’re looking for.

These topics are very unlikely to rank and generate meaningful traffic. It will be obvious you are only doing it for the link! Keyword research will help you to find low competition, high volume topics. We check for spelling, grammatical and sentence structure for quality. If this doesn’t weigh up, there is a good chance we won’t accept your article.

We appreciate our contributors for educating our audience with your thought leadership. Include one do-follow link to your website and one link to your social media profile in your bio. 5)- We will create high quality of backlinks for your post that will benefits for your post.

3)- We will share your post on our groups, that will boost traffic on your website. You can suggest up to 5 tags/ keywords for the article. As mentioned earlier Article content should be relevant to our website content, otherwise it will be rejected.

Also, each submitted article will be thoroughly reviewed. Known for her determination to deliver on commitments, Renee takes pride in consistently exceeding expectations. Best from 1000+ web development & software projects. At Classic Informatics, we have the experience and staying power you’re looking for in a web development partner.

Include all images as separate attachments f.ex. Images, infographics, screenshots, technical illustrations, diagrams and charts, animated GIFs. If you use third-party images, don’t forget to provide the link to the original. Be well-researched and fully supported with numbers, metrics, and other statistical measurements of success. Also include not less than 10 links to reputable sources. Not be identical to any of the topics we have already written about.