Your content must be 100% unique without any copy-pasted. There shouldn’t be any plagiarism content in your write-up. To avoid you must write the content in your own words. Write For Us Yoga Guest Post and to learn more about our platform, you can read our blog from our blog section. Higher the words, better the chance of being considered for publication.

You’ll interview practitioners on their staff to identify 3 self-care rituals or experiences they offer that readers can recreate at home. At any point, you cannot claim to be a part or member of Moms News Daily staff after submitting your guest post. We will publish your articles on other social media channels, but it does not guarantee to increase traffic on your blog’s social media handle. You can also send us pictures and videos relevant to your content provided that they are original and yours or you have the proof to use them.

Your content must have accurate words and sentences, meaning you must write informative content based on treading news, factual data, and the latest information. The blog post that you submitted shouldn’t be posted anywhere, not even on your own website or profile. We’re constantly looking for new, insightful blogs that are well-written, no posts that have already been published elsewhere. We’re searching for unique, relevant, and informative blogs that are well-written. Your article should preferably be 1500 words or longer, double-checked for accuracy, and able to pass a Copyscape review.

So, if a bunch of readers from our audience agree and relate with your writing, it will give you followers. Provide backup and/or sources for any health claims. This can include links to peer-reviewed journals or credible news outlets. We aim for content that is thoughtful, inspirational, and informative. Regardless of the subject, writing should always read professionally. If you are interested to work with us and still want to know us better, we love would love to see you on our social media pages.

The article you submit may be on the following topics. We at have a dedicated section on fitness/yoga write for us. We would want our guest post writers to write simple articles, sticking to the point and very relevant to the readers. Once we accept your submitted article/blog for the review, we work closely with you for its enhancement and then get the same published.

Whether you’re already a blogger or just starting out, we want to hear from you! Our readers are looking for writers who can write for us Yoga and contribute their opinions. Writers who can bring new ideas to the table and entertain while educating. Our readers are eager to hear your unique perspective on your chosen niche. Read on to find out more about writing opportunities with us and to submit a story pitch.

Send us your yoga instructional videos to be featured on our video section. We do not consider the content which is published on any other website or page. With all these writings, we will also encourage the small businesses and markets here on our post with truly right facts and figures regarding it. We do not only welcome the new writers, we can also crave for you if you are the right one with the potential of growing up. Articles must be original and will be exclusive to MLY for 60 days. After 60 days, the article if posted elsewhere should have the MLY web address, linking it back to us as the source.

We highlight teachers, leaders, offerings in the country and all over the world. We are looking for high quality work to be featured in our print magazines and/or online. Yoga Journal relies on the expertise and experience of teachers as we bring information and reflections about the practice of yoga to readers. We are always seeking additional voices, insights, and reflections to share with others. We welcome your articles, photos and video submissions online. Here’s a quick guide on how to do it and what we’re looking for.

We are looking for talented and enthusiastic yoga background persons who want to write for FitSri! Self-promotional pieces such a press release, newsletter, or advertisement for a studio or teacher should not be submitted. Contributing to our blog at Yoga Digest is a great way for us to get to know you for potential opportunities in the future!

You’re joining a team of dedicated wellness experts and spiritual seekers who dedicate their lives to bringing health, happiness, and balance to people all around the world. The external links also should make sense to the general topic of our blog – yoga, training, health, lifestyle, wellness, and the like. Any claims you make should be backed up with data from research or case studies! Asana is one of the leading yoga journals that reach not only regular yoga students and teachers but also thousands of fitness and life coach personals worldwide. Asana has a strong readership audience in over 30 countries including USA, India, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Hong Kong, and the UK, to name a few. We do offer guest post writing opportunity for brands and charitable organizations only.