For us, you don’t need to be an expert in health to write for us; all you need to do is be an excellent author. Submitted articles should promote awareness and inspire or educate the reader. They should motivate the reader to get involved and help the company succeed.

In order to write about any health-related issue, you must first pitch us at with the topic you’d like to write about and explain how it may benefit the audience. We are interested in any subject that comes under Digital Healthcare. Ensure that your post does not violate any copyright laws and we will only publish unique content(articles that haven’t been published before).

Product placement links may be removed at our discretion. If this is you primary objective, we are not the platform for you. We prefer 300px width and 300px in length.Bios without an image will not be published.

An example focused on the impact of COVID-19 on nursing students’ mental health can be found here. Getting your expert knowledge out there with Mom News Daily is a great way to grow your audience. By writing for Mom News Daily, your story will get in front of more people. We will be helping parents accomplish their parenting goals with your story. A leading online magazine for parents, Mom News Daily provides current, reliable advice on baby care, pregnancy and parenting. We accept blog posts from bloggers of all backgrounds and experiences so long as the post’s topics are related to Health and Fitness.

Read on to find out more about writing opportunities with us and to submit a story pitch. In our series Greater Good Chronicles, writers share stories of trying to apply the science of a meaningful life to their daily lives. Ideally, these pieces take the reader along your journey with you, using specific moments and examples to illustrate how you came to grow in or gain insight about a specific key to well-being.

Becoming a part of Mom News Daily has many advantages. The site is highly regarded among moms, and it receives high traffic. For more information about becoming a guest blogger, fill out the form below. Greater Good typically does not accept unsolicited submissions, and we rarely accept freelance pitches.

The blog post should contain at least one relevant image with copyrights. Submitted articles should raise awareness and inspire or inform the reader. They should encourage the reader to take action and support business success. All articles must be original and not posted anywhere else before being accepted. THCB reserves the right to edit posts for clarity, substance and style but generally keeps to a pretty hands-off editorial philosophy. If you are ready to join our community of over 850 bloggers, contact us here with your piece.

Please put the title of your piece in the subject line and share the article in a word document file. We strive to provide information that is accurate, complete and up-to-date. To this end, we rely on the latest salary and job growth data from the U.S.

1 link per 300 words is ideal, max 2-3 links in total. Finally, all links in the post should be relevant and quality websites. DiseaseFix is primarily known as an online publisher of disease-centric medical information related to human health and well-being. The information is published as disease modules accessible to users from across the world free of cost. Please add the title of your article in the email subject line and share the article in a word document. 1 link to your blog or a web page in the article and 1 relevant link from the article.

The content should be relevant to the topic and should clearly define it. Alongside, make sure that it does not violate any copyright issues. Attaching one of my published article for reference. Because we receive many pitches, we may not be able to reply to all. If you have not heard back from us in 5 business days, feel free to offer your idea to someone else.