If you want to become a regular article writer for our website then just follow the given guidelines. We are accepting Write For Us Technology Guest Post & software-related articles. Through this, you can increase your internet reputation through natural links. Now, gammatech.org provides you with a platform where you can share your new ideas and information. In our mentioned list you will get many topics related to your websites. You only need to write a Guest Post to contribute your ideas.

Provide 3 guest post ideas / titles that you are planning to contribute? Feel free to provide an overview of the content so we can better determine its uniqueness. The bottom line is that Chatter Buzz wants to help content marketers thrive and become the best in the industry. By writing for us, this is your opportunity to become an authoritative voice in the digital marketing field. Only 1 external link (No-Follow) is acceptable for each guest post submitted.

On average, a guest post should have 1300+ words and present in-depth research into the subject. If you have something like that to offer, submit your pitch using this link. Shane Barker’s blog is about digital marketing, with a focus on SEO and influencer marketing. If written well, a post on anything around these topics should be a good fit.

You can find all the contact information to submit your pitch here. Your pitch will definitely stand out if you tell a personal success story. Or, if you’ve made some observations regarding email marketing strategies and tools, your article has all the chances of getting featured.

Read the recent posts on our blog to understand what kind of posts we publish. However, please do not send us any request without reading the guidelines because we would reject requests that do not adhere to our guidelines. Before writing or submitting your post to Outreach Monks, we suggest you read the below-mentioned guideline carefully and abide by them. We’re looking for passionate industry professionals to write thought leadership articles for MarketingTech. Over these years we’ve built a digital understanding of which there is no competition. Leveraging this powerful knowledge and experience is how we create the online connections that deliver real results for our clients day after day.

Here is the list that will help you to find hidden gems in tech, health or whatever industry you want to work in. Avoid images that have a brand, logo, or external links displayed on them. Even, If you follow 5 checklist out of these 10 guidelines, You are good to go. Even, Proper headings and formatting helps you to make your content readable. Hi, If you will submit your site to our mentioned backlinks… Tendtoread.com gives no assurance that your post would get accepted.