people, business, meeting @ Pixabay

I have always had a love for photography. I started doing portraits in high school and have taken many since and never looked back. Having a knack for portraiture and getting the camera to do what you want it to do is one of my biggest joys.

It’s especially nice when the camera does what you want it to do when you want it to do it, but the camera also can’t always get it to do what you want it to do. Like when it captures a beautiful sunset without a filter, but you just want it to capture the stars. Or a stunning sunrise that you didn’t want it to capture, but you’re going to miss it if you turn the camera off to capture it.

I love portraiture too, and I know I could do it for hours and still look like a moron in the process. In fact, I do. I just need a shot of my face, and you can be sure I will be trying to get every moment of it to capture in as much detail as possible. Ken Pak Photography is a professional photographer who has the ability to capture moments that are a perfect combination of style and substance.

Ken Pak Photography is one of those photographer’s who truly wants to capture a moment and make it into a masterpiece. The way he does that, is by capturing the moment in perfection and then transforming it into art. In essence, Ken creates a “shot” of a moment in time that is so unique and artistic that it has every reason to be a masterpiece.

I guess there is no one better as a photographer than Ken. Ken’s style and ability to capture the essence of a moment and then turn it into art is something that every photographer should try to emulate. Ken’s also a very good editor, which is why I’m always looking for great photos in his portfolios.

Ken is a pro at a lot of things. He runs a photography gallery in London, he has a photo-book called “The Perfect Shot: From Point A to Point B” which is a collection of over 20 of his best photos, and most importantly he is an absolute perfectionist. He is able to capture something in every moment of a shoot and transform it into something beautiful. If you want to learn more about Ken, read this article.

The perfect shot is an image that gets its beauty from the composition, lighting, and how the light hits the subject, but also the composition, lighting, or the atmosphere of the entire shot. It comes down to the balance between the foreground and background.

I can’t get enough of Ken’s photos. They are very precise and always well composed. Like so many of the photos in his gallery, his photos are a mix of technical perfection and beautiful composition. I wish I could take more of his photos for myself.

Photography is a genre that is often difficult to understand. If you’ve spent any time on social media, you’ve probably come across a lot of people claiming to be experts, or that they know everything about photography. In reality, you’re probably most likely to be shown a photo by a friend or family member of a friend. Not all of them understand either the artistic and technical aspects of photography, or their own skill level.

At last. Someone who can explain the technical aspects of photography to me.


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