Guest blogging is a great way to build your online presence and attract new readers. Places to Write for Pays is here to show you where to guest post and where the best opportunities are so that you can get started today!
Places to Write for Pays is a great place to find blogging opportunities. They are an authority on all things related to the blogosphere including guest posts, article marketing, and content writing services. Places to Write for Pays has been featured in top publications like Business Insider and Forbes.
The site also showcases blogs that have never had any published work but may be open to accepting new writers!
Guest blogging can be very beneficial if you have something valuable or interesting to share with potential readers. Places To Write For Pays focuses on helping people find these opportunities so that they know where their talents will best suit them, instead of searching endlessly themselves. Places To Write For Pays has no shortage of venues in need of new content, meaning this could help you start feeling like a pro blogger in no time!
Places To Write For Pays is a great resource because they do all the research and legwork when it comes down to finding places that are actively looking for writers! Guest blogging can be very beneficial if you have something valuable or interesting to share with potential readers.
Branding Opportunities:
Places to Write for Pays is growing rapidly as an authority site and bloggers can use it to promote their own personal blog or business through guest posts. Guest blogging also provides the opportunity to build relationships with potential readers/customers from all over the world which may be beneficial if your company would like more customers internationally. Places to Write for Pay’s organizational skills make finding places that specialize in different topics easy so you can find the right opportunity for you.
Difference Between An Article And A Guest Blogging Opportunity
An article typically contains 500-1500 words about one specific topic whereas a guest blog may contain up to 3000 words. Articles are usually found in online magazines or news sites whereas guest posts are more likely to be found on blogs. Places To Write For Pays is the perfect place to find opportunities for both of these formats!
Guest blogging can also help you build up your own personal blog or business depending on where you write and what your goals may be. It opens a lot of doors that would otherwise not exist without Places To Write For Pay’s resources. Guest blogging provides an opportunity for bloggers to promote their content in high traffic areas while building relationships with potential readers/customers from all over the world which may be beneficial if your company has international customers.
The site features many different types, lengths, and pricing structures so no matter who you are there will be something available just for you!
Highlight the best blogs
Places to Write for Pays also highlight the best blogs that are currently accepting guest posts and helping new writers get started. Places To Write For Pay’s organization skills make finding places which specialize in different topics easy so you can find the right opportunity for you!
Guest blogging is an excellent way to get your name out there and earn a little extra money. Places like this are always looking for contributors, so if you’re interested in getting paid to write articles online, these sites will have something for you:
The Student’s Guide To Blogging
A blog with good advice on how to be successful at blogging without spending any money.
Freelance Writing Jobs
This site has information about freelance jobs that might need some writers. They also provide helpful links as well as job listings from clients all over the world.
ProBlogger Job Board
Here you can find open positions for new posts or even submit your own ideas of what topics should be covered by freelancers.
Brazen Careerist Jobs Board
Blogs with jobs in specific fields, as well as job listings from clients all over the world. Places To Write For Pays also highlight the best blogs that are currently accepting guest posts and helping new writers get started. Places to Write for Pay’s organizational skills make finding places which specialize in different topics easy so you can find the right opportunity for you!