Business Development
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Get excited about businesses developing. A business developing is not just a buzz word – it’s your next big step to success- whatever that may be for your company or for you personally. Becoming a professional at growth also means that more of your time will be spent doing what you love.

With the right tools and the right knowledge, development trades can help you launch new companies or take over existing ones, get ahead in your current career, and make a difference in the world with every project you touch. It’s not as easy as it looks. You’ll need to learn how to prepare yourself for growth and interviews so that potential employers see your value out of the gate – but being the expert on something people want is incredibly rewarding.

You’ll also need to learn how to run a company, manage a staff, and balance it all with being an artist or producer. When you’re in your working life, you’ll have to make crucial decisions about marketing, events, spending vs. revenue, and business operations – things that management and business development professionals take care of for you from the outside.

Getting certified to succeed:

Many of you have goals in business development, but few people have the time or the resources to learn from higher education classes. Here’s where we come in – The Business Training Academy is a one-of-a-kind educational institution that offers self-paced, affordable programs on business development skills for producers, managers and artistic entrepreneurs.

The Business Training Academy is based out of Hollywood, California – which means we’re IN the entertainment industry, not just a business school about it. We provide services to independent professionals who want to succeed both personally and professionally. We make our own films and music, create our own outlets for distribution, and through the tools we teach you, we’re able to reach our goals without selling out or compromising.

We’ve got courses in:

Business Trades – a three part series on the most popular trades for independent professionals. You’ll learn how to make your way into events and festivals without sacrificing your creative freedom or the dynamic of your current company.

a two part series on the ten key parts of running a successful business in today’s competitive market. Business Development for Artists & Producers – this program is hosted by ABA faculty member Andrew Rasiej, who was named one of Fast Company’s Most Creative People in Business! His program has been highly reviewed by students – watch their videos here .

an introductory series on the arts and entertainment industry that teaches you how to reach out to artists off the internet. Summaries are coming soon for these, but if you have any questions, we would be happy to help! 

We also have a number of other self-paced courses, including a membership program where you can take online classes (or even courses at an in-person event) and get discounts or even free copies of everything you study.



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