mushroom, fly agaric, autumn @ Pixabay

Just a few weeks ago, I found myself in my studio apartment, staring at the ceiling in awe of a beautiful photo I’d just snapped. It was a beautiful fall day and I was on my way home from work. One of my favorite places for photography is above my kitchen sink and I had been looking at it for hours, so I grabbed my camera and started snapping away.

Well, let’s just say it was one of the most popular pictures I’ve ever posted online. So it was quite a surprise to see that a few days later, an image was up on the Facebook page of a guy named Tom who’s also been obsessively photographing the same location, over a week after I’d posted it.

Tom’s photography skills made the image popular enough that it was shared far and wide. The photos are pretty typical of Tom’s style, with some great compositions and a lot of fun photography. In fact, he’s had a few competitions for best shot and has even received his own online gallery.

So what is our first reaction to this new image? Well, our first reaction was that this is just the latest thing the guy has been doing, but then our second reaction is to wonder, “What is this guy doing here?” Well, his photos weren’t his only work, and we can’t know what he’s been doing for the past week. So we’ll have to wait and see what he’s up to next.

Our initial reaction to the image above was, “Wow, he’s still doing a bunch of work. The man is so prolific.” Then we noticed the next photo, and then the next.

If you’re curious about the guy, check out his website: The guy’s got quite a few things to say about himself, even if we can’t understand most of it. There is also a new gallery of his work up on Flickr.

A photographer has a lot of work to do, and hes probably trying to be more inventive and less predictable. I think its a good thing that so many people can see the things he has been up to. With so many people posting photos of his art, it’s only a matter of time before it gets posted on the internet.

I think we should all look at things a little more carefully. I think this is a man who has been working hard to create many very interesting things. If you are not aware of his work, you are missing out. If you are a fan of his work, then you should check out his site.

The best thing about his work is that he seems able to mix his photography and writing. He is able to draw and paint, and he is also able to explain a lot about the world he lives in and the things he does. The other thing is that, while I am no fan of his work, there are quite a few people who are. Its nice to see a man like that creating art and making it accessible to all.

I’ll also admit that not everyone likes his art and that it can sometimes be a little weird, but I don’t think it is just a matter of if he is eccentric or odd. His work is truly unique and I think that is the point. The fact is, that he is making a living doing something that a lot of people might not want to do.


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