The science of photography is the study of light, how it interacts with matter, and how to use that understanding to create beautiful pictures.
This was the question that brought me to the site and the question that brought the site to life. If you’re a photographer and you want to know how the techniques of photography work, I recommend joining the Photography 101 discussion forum. There you will find a wealth of information about what the science of photography is all about.
Photography 101 is a forum for the general public to discuss science related subjects. Anyone who is interested in photography is welcome to join.
As it turns out, I am not on Photoshoot 101. I’m a science student and photographer. I did, however, watch the entire video and read the entire article. It was fantastic.
The article and video are all about a topic that has nothing to do with photography. And why would it be? The science of photography is about the manipulation of light and how it is used to create an image. The article doesn’t really delve into that, but this video should give you a good idea of that subject.
What i was saying was that light is a physical thing. I did not know it was known as a “physical thing” before the article did. I dont know how it was known for centuries that it was a physical thing. But in its simplest form, light is all of the energy of a particular particle of light. When a particle of light is absorbed or reflected by a surface it forms a new particle of light. The new particle of light is called a photon.
Photons, like all particles of light, are made of energy. Photons can also be made of other particles of light. These other particles of light can be either electromagnetic waves or particles of light. As an example, photons can be made of two types of energy, but can also be made of only one type of energy. When a photon is made of only one type of energy, it is called a photon of a particular type of energy.
Photons of a particular type of energy are called photons of that type of energy. Photons of the same type of energy are called photons of that type of energy. Photons of the same type of energy can also be made of different types of energy. Photons of the same type of energy can also be made of the same type of energy. Photons of the same type of energy can also be made of different types of energy.
Photons or lightwaves are the most common way of making light. Photons are made of one particular type of energy, or in other words, the photons are lightwaves. Since light’s only energy is photons of that type of energy they can’t be made of. Light waves are the most common way of making light. Light waves only have one energy type, so they can only be made of photons of that energy type.
As the name suggests, light is both the source of and the reflection of light. Light makes images in the visible spectrum. Light waves and photons are the same type of energy. The same energy can be made of light waves and photons. The two types of energy can also be made of the same type of energy.