My first trip out West was on my own backpacking trip. My last trip out West was with my wife on a backpacking trip. Backpacking is a great way to experience the country you’re traveling in.
I was also recently on a trip out west with my wife. I think I was also the only one with a camera.
I think I remember this being the case with our trip out west too. That’s because I’ve written a couple of posts about backpacking photography before and the one thing I always seem to do when I’m backpacking is to take pictures along the way just so I can show my wife and friends what a great vacation I had.
Backpacking photography is similar to photography in that you are using your camera to capture different aspects of a trip. For example, you will usually take pictures of yourself, or your partner, or your dogs, or your tent. In some cases you will be taking pictures of different parts of the path or of more than one area of the entire trip. This is all fine, but you need to be careful not to take too many pictures just because you are doing it.
There are a ton of photo apps available for the iPhone. Most are not very good. There are still a few good ones, but even they can be a bit hit or miss. With backpacking photography the goal is to not take so many pictures you have to start deleting them. There are no real “rules” to making sure your pictures are just so. You don’t want to have to take your pictures a specific number of times or you might miss something important.
The problem is you would think that people would be better at picking up the first rule for backpacking photography. They’re clearly better at picking up the second one, which is to not take too many pictures just because you are doing it. There are still a ton of photo apps available for the iPhone. Most are not very good. There are still a few good ones, but even they can be a bit hit or miss.
The problem with the good ones is they are pretty hit or miss. There are some people that are good at picking up the basics like taking a picture before you take a picture. Theyll also find it easy to take a picture when theyre not in a hurry or just out to take a picture. There are better photo apps like Kodak iPhoto and Adobe Lightroom.
The problem with the good ones is you are always trying to take a photo of something or someone that is not really there. For example, if I am in a bookstore and I am trying to take a picture of a book, I often end up picking up the wrong book. The photo that gets taken is often half of the book that is actually there.
I dont know about you guys, but if I want to take a picture of something that is not really there, I use a tripod. I have a tripod for every single photo I take because I know that if I move the camera, things will go horribly wrong. When I am away from a tripod, I can take better photos because the camera is more stable.
It’s true. Backpacking photographers don’t have a ton of equipment so they can shoot at higher shutter speeds. They can also use shorter shutter times (shutter speeds that are much faster, that shutter speed is called the “focal length” or focal length) and they can shoot at longer focal lengths. Some photographers use a variety of different lenses for their backpacking photos.