I love this photography because it’s not so dramatic, so it’s less of a statement. It’s a more relaxed way to document what you see.

I have to admit: I have a lot of respect for photography, but I have to admit that I still have a hard time getting it out of my head sometimes. I am so used to the dramatic, sexy (and often terrifying) photography that I don’t really get why so many people think this is cool.

As an artist, I can see why the idea of being in a photo would be really cool. But as an artist, I can also see how this sort of photography could make some people lose all their hair and become rather scary.

I have my own thoughts on what makes a photo interesting. For my own benefit, I have to admit that these are not very interesting thoughts. I think that the two things that make a photo interesting are (1) the lens and (2) the light. Both of these things have to do with what is being seen.

Since the lens is a major part of a photo, it’s easy to see why the lens would be of interest, but a lot harder to see why the light would be interesting. Light is a combination of the light that the lens is seeing and the light that is being used by the subject of the photo. So in a photo of a vampire, that vampire is the subject of the photo.

Now let’s get this out of the way because let’s be real, this can be a little hard to wrap your head around.

This is something that, honestly, I find a little hard to wrap my head around too. So if you have any thoughts, questions, or concerns about the above, be sure to let us know.

That’s right, I said it loud. I hope you liked the trailer and that it inspired you to pick up the camera and see what this project has to offer and how much fun you can have shooting, editing, and sharing your images with the rest of the world.

Well, I know I’m not the only one who has been asking the same question. We don’t have any official word on what the “vampire” in the title refers to, but the game description seems to indicate that it’s a vampire-like race that’s not actually real. But that doesn’t make it any less fun to try and shoot and edit.

The video above is a preview of the game and the work you can do to edit your images in-game. We’ll have more official info on the game this summer. We want to keep it as fun as possible for you and your friends to get in the mood. You can find the full game description and trailer here.


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