Best Place to Farm Oxium in World of Warcraft

best place to farm oxium

You may have heard that the best place to farm Oxium is in Pluto. However, there are a few difficulties associated with this location. In particular, you have to fight Bursas every five rounds. You can also increase your Oxium production by completing the Corpus excavation missions. However, you should make sure that you have extra protection when doing these missions. So, how do you find the best place to farm Oxium?

To farm Oxium, you should try to do so in the first zone you reach. This zone is the only place where you will receive mods on every five waves. Furthermore, it has a special type of foe called Oxium Ospreys, which linger around and attack from afar. They also hide in the group of Corpus enemies and fire small electric bolts. If you can survive at least twenty waves, you’ll be rewarded with mods and Void Relic.

In addition to Oxium, you can also get Hexenon from Pluto missions. These missions contain a lot of Amalgam units, which can be useful in getting Hexenon. But you must bear in mind that farming Oxium on Pluto can be challenging. Fortunately, there are some strategies you can use to get the most Oxium. One option is to head to the outer terminus of Pluto with your team. This way, you can farm Oxium from multiple players and get maximum amount.

While farming Oxium in Nekros, you can also farm Oxium using Hydroid Warframe mod or the Pilfering Swarm. The latter is easier to use and increases the chances of dropping extra Oxium. Then, you can also make use of the Oxium Osprey, which is a Corpus unit. The Oxium Osprey spawns in the area, so you can kill it with your weapons or abilities.

Another option for farming Oxium in Neptune is the Galatea capture mission in Jupiter. This is for experienced players. This task requires a team of four players. You must have at least four members to get the highest spawn rate. Oxium Ospreys are common in Neptune. A group of four is required to complete the quest successfully. It requires a high level of experience, so it is recommended to use the group mode.

Another good place to farm Oxium is on Jupiter and Pluto. Oxium drones can be found in various tilesets and corpus missions. However, you can also harvest Oxium from the drops of surviving Oxium Ospreys. You can harvest enough Oxium from these missions to craft weapons and frames. For other resources, you should focus on Elara. It is the best place to farm Oxium.

Oxium Ospreys can be found in Jupiter’s planet Elara. However, be sure to kill Nullifiers in the area because they prevent your abilities. You can also camp on Elara if you do not mind camping. It is a good place to farm Oxium if you’re looking for a comfortable sequence. The long passageways make farming in Elara possible and allow you to explore the planet at your leisure.