With the versatility of cold weather activewear in mind, you could run from Maine to Florida without ever having to change a layer. Something great about winter weather workout gear is that it can be made to regulate your body’s temperature at any given moment. So even though you might feel pretty chilly the second you hit the ground running, you’re going to start heating up and working up a sweat. When that happens, you don’t want to have to remove layers to keep yourself comfortable. Here are some of the benefits and features that you should look for in your cold weather exercise attire.

Storm approaches the region late tonight/early Saturday morning. When Andrew Thomas saw the Bureau forecast for large swell, he jumped into his car and drove for 2 hours to take this evocative photo. These are different weather conditions from those that cause frost.

Salt storms, like the one in this photo, are caused in a similar way to dust storms, although they’re much less common. An expansive area of dry salt is needed, and there are relatively few such sources. Strong and gusty winds pick up the salt and raise it into the atmosphere to create a milky cloud-like expanse. This makes them harder to lift and transport across the continent like dust storms.

In dry areas, dust is drawn into the rotating air column, giving dust devils their name and distinctive appearance. These predictions try to answer questions like how much warmer will the Earth be 50 to 100 years from now? Climate predictions are made using global climate models.

The holiday season is upon us, and Michael Bublé has emerged from the mist to serenade us to some classic holiday tunes . In the tropical Top End of the Northern Territory, where this photo was taken, the seasons are broadly categorised into the ‘dry’ and the ‘wet’. However, the Larrakia people in mssi travel nursing the Darwin region observe 7 main seasons. These recognise both changes in the weather and changes in the local plants and animals. The glowing green light shown here is a space weather phenomenon called aurora australis or the southern lights. Auroras are the result of events that begin on the Sun.

Away from the coasts, the interior regions of the Arctic lands have a continental climate. The weather is dryer, with less snow in the winter and sunny summer days. Winter weather can be severe, with frigid temperatures well below freezing. In some regions of Siberia, average January temperatures are lower than -40 degrees Celsius (-40 degrees Fahrenheit). In the summer, the long days of sunshine thaw the top layer of permafrost and bring average temperatures above 10 degrees Celsius .