cat eyes, european shorthair, cat @ Pixabay

Boston Technology Inc. has recently created a series of videos called The Three Levels of Self-Awareness, which discusses the idea of the three levels of awareness, all of which are in fact one and have one thing in common: we are not aware of the level we are at. This is why we have the tendency to believe that we are being aware of something that we are not. This is why we are often unaware of our own thoughts, sensations, feelings, and desires.

The three levels of self-awareness are: (1) the level of conscious thought, (2) the level of unconscious thought, and (3) the level of unconscious sensation. The first level is what most of us think of as awareness, and the second level is what we would consider awareness. The third level is what most of us would consider awareness, and the third level is what we would consider unconscious awareness.

We all have unconscious thoughts. The most obvious is when we are thinking about something, but even this isn’t the level of awareness we usually think of. The level of awareness we are generally talking about is the level of unthinking thought. This is where thoughts are not directed at anything and the mind is simply drifting in and out of awareness. Unconscious thought is the most difficult to deal with, because it is difficult to say what it is and what it is not.


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