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kpal photography

kpal photography is a site that documents the journeys of photographers. I’ve been fortunate enough to visit three of their photo shoots, learn about their passion, and even get...

other names for photography

In fact, I could go on and on about this topic here, but I have been using the term photography for quite a long time now. It’s a word...

mjo photography

I am a photographer. I like to have a purpose. I like to create a story that will keep me interested in the world around me. I like to...

playboy magazine photography

These pictures make me smile, make me laugh, and make me want to dance. I can’t help it. I can’t stop looking at them. I’ve been known to post...

stephanie marie photography

Stephanie Marietti Photography is a boutique photography gallery located in the heart of the beautiful Oakland hills. We specialize in capturing photos of beautiful Southern California life in all...

coady photography

I am a big fan of coady photography, and this one is no exception. I have photographed many clients at their home’s exterior in the past, and I have...

weefan photography

I love the weefan photography because it is a kind of self-expression that is very personal. I love the way that it says something about me. It is a...

macro food photography

In my last post, I wrote about macro food photography and the three levels of self-awareness. In this post, I am going to talk about the macro food photography...

alternative light photography

I’ve recently been introduced to a new form of outdoor photography called “alternative light.” It’s a technique in which you’re looking through a lens that’s meant to look through...

eivans photography

eivans photography, is a photo agency that specializes in photography for the home. The photography for our website is a lot of the work that we do for our...